佟来生,吴广宁[2](2008)在《变频调速交流牵引电机绝缘电老化机理的研究》一文中研究指出Inverter-fed traction motors used in motor train unit are regarded as the research object for insulation electric aging mechanism,based on research productions of insulation technique of inverter-fed motors.High frequency equivalent circuit models of cable and stator winding are established to simulate over-voltage of motor terminals and uneven voltage distribution of windings.A novel high frequency high voltage test system has been developed to carry out life time tests of traction motor windings.Change tendency of dielectric loss,partial discharge and thermally stimulated current(TSC) are used to deduce insulation electric breakage mechanism.High frequency equivalent circuit models of cable and stator winding are established to simulate over-voltage of motor terminals and uneven voltage distribution of windings.The simulation results show that the over-voltage is the function of rise time,cable length and reflection ratio on motor terminals.Critical length and critical rise time is corresponding one to one.The over-voltage is up to the maximum value as long as the cable length is greater than the critical length.A novel high frequency high voltage test system has been developed in place of inverters to carry out insulation aging test.Pulse square waves are generated by IGBT and are enlarged by high frequency and high voltage transformers in the device.The maximum value of high frequency and high voltage square waves is up to 10 kV.The results of life tests of motor windings indicate that the relationship of insulation lifetime and the amplitude of pulses is the inverse power law model,the relationship of insulation lifetime and the frequency of pulses is exponential model under continuous pulses condition.When the test ambient temperature is below 200 ℃,the temperature has little influence on insulation lifetime of magnet wire with polyimide corona resistant film insulation.A novel partial discharge detection device was developed by impulse current sensor,oscillograph and computer.According to the characteristics of the tested signals,a new algorithm based on wavelet-envelope detection technique is proposed to filter EMI from the test system and space electromagnetic waves.Because of the influence of very large dV/dt and high frequency plus-minus voltage conversion,partial discharges under continuous square waves condition are different from those under sine voltage condition.On the one hand,larger dV/dt leads to higher breakdown voltage.On the other hand,high frequency plus-minus voltage conversion causes a lot of space charge cumulated on the insulation surface.Large breakdown voltage and space charge cumulation result in discharge pulses with short rise time and large magnitude.The number,magnitude and power of partial discharges increase with the temperature,frequency and voltage change of square waves.The number of partial discharge become large with the frequency of square wave increase in the unit time,but it becomes small in one period of square wave.Contrast tests are carried out under AC and 10 kHz square wave pulse conditions. The differences between AC aging and square wave pulse aging are studied based on change curves of dielectric loss,partial discharge pattern and TSC.These curves prove that square wave pulses bring more defects than AC voltage to the insulation materials.Under square wave pulse condition,the two key factors which lead to insulation aging are partial discharge and space charge.Damage actions of partial discharges and space charges are intensified with voltage,frequency and temperature increasing.Due to the enormous destruction of partial discharges under the square wave condition,the weaknesses of insulation structure will break down rapidly if partial discharges occur.Discharge channel comes into being as a result of the cooperation of partial discharges and space charges.Insulation surfaces are destroyed by partial discharges.Injection and draw-off of electric charges generating by partial discharges result in molecular chain fracture inside insulation structure.Subsequently,discharge channels are expanded along the breaking point in the insulation.Finally,the process leads to insulation breakdown.(本文来源于《中国铁道科学》期刊2008年03期)
佟来生[5](2006)在《变频调速交流牵引电机绝缘电老化机理的研究》一文中研究指出随着大功率开关器件技术的进步,变频调速交流传动系统在机车牵引领域得到广泛应用。变频牵引电机是交流传动牵引机车的关键设备之一,其安全、可靠性直接影响牵引机车的性能。变频电机绝缘长期承受PWM高压方波脉冲,其老化机理以及寿命模型理论尚属空白;传统交流电动机绝缘设计方法已不能满足变频电机绝缘的实际需要,因此对变频电机绝缘技术进行系统的研究迫在眉睫。已报道的研究成果大多以散绕组变频电机为研究对象,对成型绕组变频电机的研究很少。论文在国内外变频电机绝缘技术研究成果的基础上,以动车组变频牵引电机为研究对象,详细地研究了成型绕组变频电机定子绝缘老化机理,为建立变频电机绝缘设计理论奠定了一定的基础。 为研究变频牵引电机定子绕组承受电压,建立了电缆和电机定子绕组的高频等效电路模型,研究了电机端电压及绕组内部电压分布的情况。结果表明:电机端过电压幅值是脉冲上升沿时间和电缆长度的函数;不仅上升沿时间对绕组内部电压分布情况产生影响,电缆长度也会改变绕组内部绝缘承受的电压。 论文中研制了一套用于高压方波脉冲的绝缘老化试验装置,模拟逆变器对绝缘材料的进行老化试验。装置采用电力电子技术输出方波脉冲,再经高频变压器升压,输出高压方波脉冲,峰峰值最高可达10kV,电压水平高于其它方波脉冲绝缘材料试验设备。对变频牵引电机用电磁线进行绝缘失效试验,得到电磁线绝缘寿命随高压方波脉冲幅值、频率以及温度的变化曲线,为电机绝缘结构设计提供了参考。 局部放电是导致绝缘老化、击穿的重要因素之一。论文中采用脉冲电流传感器、示波器和计算机建立了一套高压方波脉冲下局部放电测量装置。根据实际测量信号特征,提出一种小波包—包络算法对传感器输出信号进行处理,滤除来自高压方波脉冲和空间的干扰,提取出放电信号。通过对比分析工频交流与高压方波脉冲下的放电信号特征,探讨了高压方波脉冲下放电机理及其影响因素。随后依照实际测量结果,分析了局部放电特征参量随脉冲幅值,频率和温度的变化趋势。 为探讨高压方波脉冲下绝缘的加速老化机理,设计了一种与电机绕组具有相同绝缘结构、工艺的绞线对试样。分别在工频交流和10kHz高压方波脉冲下(本文来源于《西南交通大学》期刊2006-07-01)
佟来生,吴广宁,舒雯,温凤香,何恩广[7](2005)在《变频调速系统对牵引电机谐波损耗影响的研究》一文中研究指出变频调速系统输出的脉宽调制波含有丰富的谐波,谐波引起附加损耗,使交流牵引电机运行温升增加,导致绝缘加速老化,缩短其运行寿命。文章利用M ATLAB软件建立了变频调速仿真系统,对影响变频牵引电机谐波损耗的逆变器参数进行了分析,并提出一种用谐波总损耗因数表征谐波损耗的方法。(本文来源于《电力系统及其自动化学报》期刊2005年06期)
温凤香[8](2005)在《变频调速牵引电机端子过电压及其对绝缘破坏机制的研究》一文中研究指出为了满足铁路提速的迫切需求,高速交流传动机车在我国已经成为铁路发展的首选。同时,高速交流传动机车广泛采用高开关频率器件的脉宽调制(PWM)逆变器,使得逆变器输出脉冲具有陡上升沿。高频PWM脉冲电压波在电缆中传播,会在变频调速牵引电机端形成振荡的过电压,这样的电压在电机绕组中又分布不均匀,造成前几匝绕组承受更高的电压,最终容易导致电机绕组绝缘的失效。 针对上述问题,本文首先通过传输线理论建立了机车用电缆的分布参数模型,以及变频调速牵引电机的高频等效电路。基于电缆的结构及布置,解析计算出其分布参数值;利用ANSYS软件对定子槽内电磁场进行有限元分析,得到绕组分布参数值。然后分析了PWM逆变器驱动牵引电机时电机端过电压的产生机理,研究了电机端电压幅值的影响因素,理论分析同仿真结果基本吻合。利用电机高频等效电路研究PWM脉冲电压在电机绕组内的分布情况,探讨了电机分布参数对绕组电压分布的影响。 在以上分析的基础上,以降低电机端过电压、改善绕组电压分布为原则提出抑制电机绕组绝缘失效的对策。对于变频调速牵引系统中加入滤波器后进行仿真研究,合理的设定滤波器参数可以有效的解决上述问题。另外,根据绕组电压分布特性提出改进绝缘结构同样可以达到抑制绕组绝缘失效的目的。(本文来源于《西南交通大学》期刊2005-03-01)
张丽丽[9](2004)在《PWM变频调速牵引电机绝缘破坏机理的初步研究》一文中研究指出我国的铁路运输一直处于十分紧张的状态,有些线路已经超负荷运行,发展高速铁路迫在眉睫。交流传动电力机车是轨道牵引动力的发展方向,变频调速牵引电机是我国铁路提速、重载必需的装备,作为交流传动电力机车的关键部件之一,牵引电机的性能直接影响到机车运行的稳定性和可靠性。 伴随着电力电子技术的发展,交流传动牵引电机得以向大功率化、小型轻量化、高转速方向发展。但随之产生的问题是,变频调速牵引电机在推广应用过程中,出现大批电机绝缘早期损坏的情况,许多电机运行的寿命只有1~2年,有的只有几个星期。这严重制约了高速电力机车在我国的普及与发展。目前人们对于变频调速牵引电机绝缘过早损坏的原因尚不十分清楚,因此,亟待针对这一问题,开展系统的理论和试验分析,从而揭示绝缘过早损坏的机理,并相应找出对策。 本论文主要针对电机绝缘破坏的原因开展工作。从电机系统的角度出发,分析了变频电源、电缆和电机叁个环节中哪些因素可能对绝缘产生影响,是怎样作用的;以及绝缘介质是如何在热、机械应力和脉冲电压的作用下老化继而失效的。最后,通过与普通交流电机运行特点相比较,给出变频调速牵引电机绝缘过早损坏的原因,它是今后从电机控制、运行、结构和材料角度解决这一问题的理论依据。(本文来源于《西南交通大学》期刊2004-05-01)
Inverter-fed traction motors used in motor train unit are regarded as the research object for insulation electric aging mechanism,based on research productions of insulation technique of inverter-fed motors.High frequency equivalent circuit models of cable and stator winding are established to simulate over-voltage of motor terminals and uneven voltage distribution of windings.A novel high frequency high voltage test system has been developed to carry out life time tests of traction motor windings.Change tendency of dielectric loss,partial discharge and thermally stimulated current(TSC) are used to deduce insulation electric breakage mechanism.High frequency equivalent circuit models of cable and stator winding are established to simulate over-voltage of motor terminals and uneven voltage distribution of windings.The simulation results show that the over-voltage is the function of rise time,cable length and reflection ratio on motor terminals.Critical length and critical rise time is corresponding one to one.The over-voltage is up to the maximum value as long as the cable length is greater than the critical length.A novel high frequency high voltage test system has been developed in place of inverters to carry out insulation aging test.Pulse square waves are generated by IGBT and are enlarged by high frequency and high voltage transformers in the device.The maximum value of high frequency and high voltage square waves is up to 10 kV.The results of life tests of motor windings indicate that the relationship of insulation lifetime and the amplitude of pulses is the inverse power law model,the relationship of insulation lifetime and the frequency of pulses is exponential model under continuous pulses condition.When the test ambient temperature is below 200 ℃,the temperature has little influence on insulation lifetime of magnet wire with polyimide corona resistant film insulation.A novel partial discharge detection device was developed by impulse current sensor,oscillograph and computer.According to the characteristics of the tested signals,a new algorithm based on wavelet-envelope detection technique is proposed to filter EMI from the test system and space electromagnetic waves.Because of the influence of very large dV/dt and high frequency plus-minus voltage conversion,partial discharges under continuous square waves condition are different from those under sine voltage condition.On the one hand,larger dV/dt leads to higher breakdown voltage.On the other hand,high frequency plus-minus voltage conversion causes a lot of space charge cumulated on the insulation surface.Large breakdown voltage and space charge cumulation result in discharge pulses with short rise time and large magnitude.The number,magnitude and power of partial discharges increase with the temperature,frequency and voltage change of square waves.The number of partial discharge become large with the frequency of square wave increase in the unit time,but it becomes small in one period of square wave.Contrast tests are carried out under AC and 10 kHz square wave pulse conditions. The differences between AC aging and square wave pulse aging are studied based on change curves of dielectric loss,partial discharge pattern and TSC.These curves prove that square wave pulses bring more defects than AC voltage to the insulation materials.Under square wave pulse condition,the two key factors which lead to insulation aging are partial discharge and space charge.Damage actions of partial discharges and space charges are intensified with voltage,frequency and temperature increasing.Due to the enormous destruction of partial discharges under the square wave condition,the weaknesses of insulation structure will break down rapidly if partial discharges occur.Discharge channel comes into being as a result of the cooperation of partial discharges and space charges.Insulation surfaces are destroyed by partial discharges.Injection and draw-off of electric charges generating by partial discharges result in molecular chain fracture inside insulation structure.Subsequently,discharge channels are expanded along the breaking point in the insulation.Finally,the process leads to insulation breakdown.
![X JK 45-9/528电机车的主要结构](http://image.cnki.net/GetImage.ashx?id=1999292&suffix=.jpg)