


The aim of the present work is to assess the offshore wave energy potential along the Atlantic coast of Morocco. Research works of this paper focus on the identification of the most energetic sites for wave energy converters(WECs) deployment. For this purpose, 11 sites have been explored; all of them are located at more than 40 m depth on the Moroccan Atlantic coast. The wave power at each site is computed on the basis of wave data records in terms of significant wave height and energy period provided by the Wave Watch three(WW3) model. Results indicate that the coast sites located between latitudes 30° 30′ N and 33° N are the most energetic with an annual average wave power estimated at about 30 kW· m-1, whereas, in the other sites, the wave power is significantly lower. Moreover, the study of the monthly and seasonal temporal variability is found to be uniform in the powerful sites with values four times greater in winter than in summer. The directional investigation on the significant wave height has shown that for almost all the powerful sites, the incoming waves have a dominant sector ranging between Northern(N) and Western-Northern-Western(WNW) directions.


  • 1 Introduction
  • 2 Wave Energy Conversion
  •   2.1 Location
  •   2.2 Working Principle
  • 3 Moroccan Atlantic Coast Wave Energy
  •   3.1 Study Area
  •   3.2 Methodology
  • 4 Results and Discussions
  •   4.1 Analysis of the Wave Data Parameters
  •   4.2 Annual Mean Wave Power Distribution
  •   4.3 Monthly Variation in Wave Power
  •   4.4 Seasonal Variations in Wave Power
  •   4.5 The Energy-Rich Areas for WEC Deployment
  • 5 Conclusion
  • 文章来源

    类型: 期刊论文

    作者: Hafsa Bouhrim,Abdellatif El Marjani

    来源: Journal of Marine Science and Application 2019年02期

    年度: 2019

    分类: 工程科技Ⅱ辑,基础科学

    专业: 海洋学,新能源

    单位: EMISys Team Research, EResearch Center, Turbomachinery Lab, Mohammadia School of Engineers, Mohammed V University in Rabat

    基金: conducted as part of the research activity within the EMISys research team at the Turbomachinery Lab with the institution’s financial support of Mohammadia School of Engineers and Mohammed V University in Rabat

    分类号: P743.2

    页码: 142-152

    总页数: 11

    文件大小: 8570K

    下载量: 11


