Effect of production process on performance properties of warm rubberized binders

Effect of production process on performance properties of warm rubberized binders


The study presents an experimental evaluation of performance properties of two different production processes of warm rubberized binder.Two types of rubberized binder were produced through dry process and wet process and two of the available wax additives were added into the rubberized binders(i.e.,LEADCAP and Sasobit).Rubberized binders with wax additives were artificially short-term and long-term aged using the rolling thin film oven(RTFO) and pressure aging vessel(PAV) procedures.Superpave binder tests were carried out on the binders through the rotational viscometer(RV),the dynamic shear rheometer(DSR),and the bending beam rheometer(BBR).In general,the results of this study indicated that(1) the viscosity properties have been found to be similar between dry and wet processes,(2) the rubberized binders manufactured by wet process were observed to have the higher rutting resistance than those by dry process,(3) the wet process resulted in better performance in the fatigue cracking test than the dry process,and(4) the blending method was found to have little influence of stiffness properties.



类型: 期刊论文

作者: Hyun Hwan Kim,Mithil Mazumder,Soon-Jae Lee,Moon-Sup Lee

来源: Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering(English Edition) 2019年06期

年度: 2019

分类: 工程科技Ⅱ辑

专业: 公路与水路运输

单位: Department of Engineering Technology,Texas State University

基金: supported by the Research Grant from KICT through the Korea Agency for Infrastructure Technology Advancement funded by the Ministry of Land,Infrastructure and Transport of the Korean Government (Project No:18TBIP6125410-02)

分类号: U414

页码: 589-597

总页数: 9

文件大小: 1741K

下载量: 5


Effect of production process on performance properties of warm rubberized binders
