
问:帮忙翻译一下 谢谢啦 关于旅游景点的论文摘要
- 答:如下:仅供参考
Abstract: This paper has probed into the conception of carrying capacity of ecological tourism, and applied this theory into ecological tourism, and established an model for evaluating carrying capacity, and calculated the carrying capacity of ecological tourism in exsiting tourist attractions of national-level nature reserves.
Keywords:Ecological Tourism,Ecological Carrying Capacity - 答:The ecosystem tour loads dint analysis and evaluation
Summary:Investigated the content of the ecosystem tour loading dint, load ecosystem dint theories to apply to travel in the ecosystem, built up environment a loading dint valuation model, to national nature reserve area existing view area ecosystem tour environment loading the dint carry on a calculation.
Keyword:Ecosystem tour;The ecosystem loads dint
人翻不来塌稿!耐歼拉到、昌衫冲、 - 答:Summary:Investigated the content of the ecosystem tour loading dint, load ecosystem dint theories to apply to travel in the ecosystem, built up environment a loading dint valuation model, to national nature reserve area existing view area ecosystem tour environment loading the dint carry on a calculation.
Keyword:Ecosystem tour;The ecosystem loads dint
要选我哦早芹!?腊芹;来了陆局毕; - 答:Summary:Investigated the content of the ecosystem tour loading dint, load ecosystem dint theories to apply to travel in the ecosystem, built up environment a loading dint valuation model, to national nature reserve area existing view area ecosystem tour environment loading the dint carry on a calculation.
Keyword:Ecosystem tour;The ecosystem loads dint - 答:如下:仅供参考
Abstract: This paper has probed into the conception of carrying capacity of ecological tourism, and applied this theory into ecological tourism, and established an model for evaluating carrying capacity, and calculated the carrying capacity of ecological tourism in exsiting tourist attractions of national-level nature reserves.
Keywords:Ecological Tourism,Ecological Carrying Capacity - 答:Abstract:
This paper analyses the connotation of bearing capacity of ecological tourism, and applies this theory to ecological tourism, and establishing an evaluation model of environmental bearing capacity, which is used to calculate the environmental bearing capacity of ecological tourism in the existent state-level natural reserves.
Ecological Tourism;Ecological Bearing Capacity
Analysis and Evaluation of the Bearing Capacity of Ecological Tourism - 答:Abstract:
The author has probed into the conception of the Carrying Capacity of ecological tourism, and applied this theory into ecological tourism practice. An evaluation model of the environmental Carrying Capacity has been established and the ecological tourism Carrying Capacity in exsiting tourist attractions of national-level nature reserves has been calculated.
采纳了查 红玉总监(翻译的好)物散渗的大部分;按照写摘要的文体,把某些句子改为被动语态。掘银
Keywords:Ecological Tourism,Ecological Carrying Capacity
另个罩脊题目:Analysis and Evaluation in the Carrying Capacity of Ecological Tourism
- 答:《海棠湾景区开发与管理的研究》是一篇围绕着海南省三亚市海棠湾景区进行的研究论文,旨在探讨该景区的开发与管理情况,岩悔分析其现有问题,提出相关改善建议。
论文首先介绍了海南省三亚市海棠湾景区的概况,包括景区的地理位置、自然环境、搏如文化历史和旅游资源等方面。然后,通过对该景区的开发与管理进行分析,发现了一些存在的问题,如景区规划不合理、管理混乱、环保措施不到位等。最后,结合国内外相关景区的管理经验和实践,提出了一些针对性的建议,如加强与当地 合作、粗银正完善景区规划、提升景区服务质量等。
总之,《海棠湾景区开发与管理的研究》涉及了景区管理、环保、规划等多个方面的问题,旨在为相关部门和从业者提供参考意见,促进海南省三亚市海棠湾景区的可持续发展。 - 答:海棠湾景区是海南省三亚市的一处重要旅游景点,其自然风光优美,水改磨质清澈,是休闲度假、海滨娱乐、水上运动的理想场所。本文通过对海棠湾景区开发与管理的研究,分析了其发展现状孝歼敏和存在的问题,提出了改进措施和建议。巧枝针对海棠湾景区的开发,本文建议加强环保意识,保护自然生态环境;提高服务质量,满足游客需求;优化景区布局,提高景区使用效率。针对海棠湾景区的管理,本文建议加强统一规划,健全管理机制;加强安全管理,保障游客安全;加强宣传推广,提高知名度和影响力。通过本文的研究,可以为海棠湾景区的可持续发展提供有效的参考和指导。
- 答:该研究的摘要是为了探讨海棠湾景区的开发与管理问铅肆题,通过对现有文献和实地调研的综合分析,得出了以下几点结论:首先,海棠湾景区的自然景观和文化资源非常丰富,但是在开发槐碧轿和管理方面存在着一些问题,例如资源利用不充分、环保措施不到位等。其次,海棠湾景区的发展需要注重多方面的合作与协调,包括 、企业、社会组织、居民等各方面的共同努力。最后,为了实现海棠湾景区的可持续发展,慧尺需要采取一系列措施,如加强环保意识、提高服务质量、创新营销手段等等。总之,这项研究为海棠湾景区的未来发展提供了有价值的建议和思路,对于相关从业者和决策者具有一定的参考价值。
- 答:其实那个你学好了都行,这和睁两种职业的人,普通水平的太笑清散多,缺就缺在高级人才上!建议你学市场营销,学它了你还可以在校考旅游专业的东扰棚尘西,而且和旅游专碰氏业得到的证书一样!我也是学经济的,应该比你大,我是学正指缓禅会计电算化的!