abstract摘要CHAPTER1:INTRODUCTION 1.1.Background 1.1.1.Ocean development 1.1.2.Ocean structures 1.2.Problem statement 1.2.1.The influence of biofouling 1.2.2.Biofoulings 1.2.3.Barnacle 1.3.Research objectives 1.4.Previous study 1.4.1.Previous study conducted in our laboratory 1.4.2.Drag coefficient from Mechanical Engineering Handbook 1.4.3.VIV of circular cylinderCHAPTER2:NUMERICAL MODELS 2.0.Environment 2.1.CAD modeling 2.2.Meshing model model(Bare cylinder) model(Cylinder with barnacles) 2.3.OpenFOAM 2.3.1.What is OpenFOAM 2.3.2.Numerical analysis example 2.3.3.Calculation setting 2.4.Post processingCHAPTER3:NUMERICAL ANALYSIS WITH3D MODEL 3.0.Purpose 3.1.Models 3.2.Computation mesh 3.3.Calculation setting 3.4.Results and Discussion 3.4.0.Results and Discussions of previous research(Re=1.95×103) 3.4.1.Results and Discussions of Re=1.95×cylinder on other Reynolds Number'> 3.4.2.Results of Barecylinder on other Reynolds Number 3.4.3.Convergence checkCHAPTER4:NUMERICAL ANALYSIS WITH2D MODEL 4.0.Purpose 4.1.Calculation settingcylinder'> 4.2.Results and Discussion for Barecylinder 4.2.1.Original model 4.2.2.Fine model 4.2.3.Layer model 4.3.Cylinder with barnacle 4.3.1.Cylinder with trapezoid barnacles 4.3.2.Cylinder with Hyperbolic barnacleCHAPTER5:CONCLUSIONS 5.1.Validation of3D simulation 5.2.2D simulation of bare cylinder 5.3.2D simulation of cylinder with barnacle attachmentReferencesACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
类型: 硕士论文
作者: Ryosuke Yasutake
导师: Jiang Zhi
关键词: 生物污损,圆柱体
来源: 上海交通大学
年度: 2019
分类: 基础科学,工程科技Ⅱ辑
专业: 力学,海洋学,船舶工业
单位: 上海交通大学
分类号: P75;U661.6;O35
DOI: 10.27307/d.cnki.gsjtu.2019.002372
总页数: 76
文件大小: 10680K
下载量: 11
标签:生物污损论文; 圆柱体论文;