Influence of tire-derived aggregates mixed with ballast on groundborne vibrations

Influence of tire-derived aggregates mixed with ballast on groundborne vibrations


In this paper, the use of recycled tire-derived aggregates(TDA) mixed with ballast material is evaluated in order to reduce the train-induced ground-borne vibrations. For this purpose, a series of field vibration measurements has been carried out at an executed pilot track.The prepared ballast layer was mixed with different percentages of TDA in three sections. Moreover, another test section with pure ballast is considered as a reference. The vibrations generated by a motor-powered draisine at two different speeds are then recorded. Records of vibration data are provided using four seismometers placed once longitudinally and once transversely beside different sections. The outputs are then processed in both velocity–time and velocity–frequency domains. To verify the vibration mitigation performance of TDA in real operation conditions, field measurements under the passage of two planned passenger and freight trains are finally arranged. Results show that the best TDA mixture ratio, i.e., 10% by weight,can reduce the transmitted vibrations up to 12 dB for frequencies above 31.5 Hz. According to the obtained effi-ciency and the very low cost of the recycled materials, this solution can be considered as a competitive vibration countermeasure.


  • 1 Introduction
  • 2 Methodology
  •   2.1 Test track condition
  •   2.2 Instrumentation plan
  •   2.3 Ballast and TDA properties
  •   2.4 Excitation method
  • 3 Discussion of results
  •   3.1 Draisine results in the time domain
  •   3.2 Draisine results in the frequency domain
  •   3.3 Results of passenger and freight trains
  • 4 TDA–ballast rank in vibration mitigation
  • 5 Conclusions
  • 文章来源

    类型: 期刊论文

    作者: Masoud Fathali,Morteza Esmaeili,Fereidoon Moghadas Nejad

    来源: Journal of Modern Transportation 2019年04期

    年度: 2019

    分类: 工程科技Ⅱ辑

    专业: 铁路运输

    单位: School of Railway Engineering, Iran University of Science & Technology,Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,Amirkabir University of Technology

    分类号: U270.16

    页码: 355-363

    总页数: 9

    文件大小: 983K

    下载量: 2


    Influence of tire-derived aggregates mixed with ballast on groundborne vibrations
