1 Introduction2 A proposed classification framework of natural gas liquefaction processes using mixed refrigerants3 Single-cycle natural gas liquefaction pro-cesses using mixed refrigerants 3.1 Single-cycle processes without component separation(single-cycle MR0 processes) 3.1.1 Single-cycle MR0 processes with only JT ex-pansion(single-cycle MR0V processes) 3.1.2 Single-cycle MR0 processes with not only JT expansion(single-cycle MR0E processes) 3.1.3 Discussion 3.2 Single-cycle processes with component sepa-ration(single-cycle MRx processes) 3.2.1 Single-cycle MRx processes with only JT ex-pansion(single-cycle MRx V processes) 3.2.1. 1 Single-cycle MRx V processes with one phase separator(single-cycle MR1V processes) 3.2.1. 2 Single-cycle MRx V processes with two-phase separators(single-cycle MR2V processes) 3.2.1. 3 Single-cycle MRx V processes with multiple phase separators(single-cycle MRnV processes) 3.2.1. 4 Single-cycle MRx V processes with rectifying units(single-cycle MRrV processes) 3.2.2 Single-cycle MRx processes with not only JT expansion(single-cycle MRx E processes) 3.2.3 Discussion4 Multi-cycle natural gas liquefaction pro-cesses using mixed refrigerants 4.1 Multi-cycle processes based on single-cycle MR0 processes(multi-cycle MR0 processes) 4.1.1 Multi-cycle MR0 processes with only JT ex-pansion in the liquefaction stage(multi-cycle MR0Vprocesses) 4.1.2 Multi-cycle MR0 processes with not only JT expansion in the liquefaction stage(multi-cycle MR0E processes) 4.1.3 Discussion 4.2 Multi-cycle processes based on single-cycle MRx processes(multi-cycle MRx processes) 4.2.1 Multi-cycle MRx processes with only JT ex-pansion in the liquefaction stage(multi-cycle MRx Vprocesses) 4.2.1. 1 Multi-cycle MRx V processes with PR-VCRC precooling(PR-VCRC precooled MRx V processes) 4.2.1. 2 Multi-cycle MRx V processes with MR-VCRC precooling(MR-VCRC precooled MRx V processes) 4.2.1. 3 Multi-cycle MRx V processes with ARC precooling(ARC precooled MRx V processes) 4.2.2 Multi-cycle MRx processes with not only JT expansion in the liquefaction stage(multi-cycle MRx E processes) 4.2.3 Discussion5 Current summary and future potential6 ConclusionsContributorsConflict of interest
类型: 期刊论文
作者: Qi SONG,Jing-peng ZHANG,Zhen ZHAO,Jie-lin LUO,Qin WANG,Guang-ming CHEN
关键词: 天然气,液化,混合制冷剂,结构,性能
来源: Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering) 2019年10期
年度: 2019
分类: 工程科技Ⅱ辑,工程科技Ⅰ辑
专业: 燃料化工,石油天然气工业
单位: Key Laboratory of Refrigeration and Cryogenic Technology of Zhejiang Province,Institute of Refrigeration and Cryogenics, Zhejiang University
基金: Project supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China(No.2016YFB0901404)
分类号: TE646
页码: 727-780
总页数: 54
文件大小: 1506K
下载量: 62
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标签:天然气论文; 液化论文; 混合制冷剂论文; 结构论文; 性能论文;