佟翠艳,谢德民,杨德才[2](2005)在《自成核对间同立构1,2-聚丁二烯结晶行为的影响》一文中研究指出We have reported the synthesis, morphological structure and single crystal structure of crystalline syndiotactic 1,2-polybutadiene. Now we want to study the effect of self-seeding nucleation on the crystallization behavior of it. In the report, the effects of self-seeding nucleation the crystallization behavior of syndiotactic 1,2-polybutadiene were studied by DSC and PLM techniques. The results indicated that the crystallization temperature of crystalline syndiotactic 1,2-polybutadiene increased obviously and the spherulite size decreased markedly after the process of self-seeding nucleation treatment.(本文来源于《高等学校化学学报》期刊2005年01期)
陈晔,杨德才,胡雁鸣,张学全[4](2003)在《结晶性间同立构1,2-聚丁二烯的单晶结构》一文中研究指出The crystalline syndiotactic 1,2-polybutadiene was synthesized with a catalytic system consisting of iron acetylacetonate , triisobutylaluminum and diethyl phosphite (DEP), and its single crystal structure was studied by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and electron diffraction (ED) techniques. The polymer with melting point 179 ℃ was found to have 89.3% 1,2 content and 86.5% sydiotacticity based on 13C NMR measurement. The single crystals of the polymer were achieved by melt crystallization of the solution cast thin films at 150 ℃ for 2 h. Bright field electron micrograph shows that the single crystal exhibits a hexagonal prism shape with its long axis along the crystallographic b-axis, as revealed by the corresponding ED pattern. The strong (hk 0) reflections of the ED pattern indicate that the single crystal possesses a very good crystallographic orientation with the c-axis perpendicular to the film plane. According to the orthorhombic packing of the planar zigzag chains, all of the diffraction points can be indexed, and the unit cell parameters calculated from the ED result are a=1.102 nm and b=0.664 nm. In order to obtain the unit cell parameter c, α highly oriented thin film of the polymer was prepared with a special melt drawn technique. The TEM bright field image indicates that the melt drawn thin films contain highly oriented lamellae with their growing direction perpendicular to the drawing direction. The corresponding ED pattern reveals the molecular chains are highly oriented, with the c-axis parallel to the drawing direction. The unit cell parameter c is 0.513 nm, as calculated from the (hk 0) reflections.(本文来源于《高等学校化学学报》期刊2003年12期)
陈晔,杨德才,胡雁鸣,张学全[5](2003)在《间同立构1,2-聚丁二烯的合成和形态结构研究》一文中研究指出The crystalline syndiotactic 1,2-polybutadiene was synthesized in a catalytic system consisting of iron acetylacetonate [Fe(acac) 3], triisobutylaluminum [Al(i-Bu) 3] and diethyl phosphite (DEP), and its morphological structure was investigated by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The polymer with a melting point 179 ℃ was found to have 89.3% 1,2 polybutadiene and 86.5% syndiotacticity based on 13C NMR measurements. The bright field electron micrograph shows that the solution cast film of syndiotactic 1,2-polybutadiene consists of lamellae with lateral scale in micron size. It should be noted that the lamellae have no branching and they are almost parallel each other in localized areas. The lamellar growing direction is along b axis. Surprisingly, the electron diffraction pattern of the film only exhibits strong (hko) reflections, which indicate that the lamellae possess a single crystal-like orientation, i.e., with their c axis perpendicular to the film plane, while a and b axes in the film plane. According to the orthorhombic packing of plane zigzag chains, the cell parameters calculated from the electron diffraction pattern are a=1.102 nm, b=0.664 nm, respectively, which are completely consistent with the results reported by Natta et al..(本文来源于《高等学校化学学报》期刊2003年11期)
张从容[9](1995)在《间同立构聚苯乙烯的性能和工艺开发现状》一文中研究指出1 概述 间同立构聚苯乙烯(SPS)是性能不同于传统聚苯乙烯的新聚合物,最早是由日本出光石油化学公司1985年在实验室内制得的。从1988年开始出光和道化学公司合资开发SPS。日本出光石油化学公司在千叶建有一套能力为10~20t/a的小试装置,道化学公司也有一套能力相当的小试装置。 出光石油化学公司计划1995年建一套1(本文来源于《石油化工动态》期刊1995年12期)
We have reported the synthesis, morphological structure and single crystal structure of crystalline syndiotactic 1,2-polybutadiene. Now we want to study the effect of self-seeding nucleation on the crystallization behavior of it. In the report, the effects of self-seeding nucleation the crystallization behavior of syndiotactic 1,2-polybutadiene were studied by DSC and PLM techniques. The results indicated that the crystallization temperature of crystalline syndiotactic 1,2-polybutadiene increased obviously and the spherulite size decreased markedly after the process of self-seeding nucleation treatment.