Albert,J.G,Martiny,F,Krummenerl,A.,W.E.,Fleig,郑世成[1](2006)在《小肠克罗恩病的诊断:一项胶囊内镜、磁共振成像及X线灌肠透视的前瞻性研究》一文中研究指出Background and aims: The diagnostic yield of capsule endoscopy (CE) compared with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in small bowel Crohn‘s disease is not well established. We prospectively investigated CE, MRI, and double contrast fluoroscopy in patients with suspected small bowel Crohn‘s disease. Methods: Fifty two consecutive patients (39 females, 13 males) were investigated by MRI, fluorosco py and if bowel obstruction could be excluded-by CE. In 25, Crohn‘s disease wa s newly suspected while the diagnosis of Crohn‘s disease (non-small bowel) had been previously established in 27. Results: Small bowel Crohn‘s disease was di agnosed in 41 of 52 patients (79%). CE was not accomplished in 14 patients due to bowel strictures. Of the remaining 27 patients, CE, MRI, and fluoroscopy dete cted small bowel Crohn‘s disease in 25 (93%), 21 (78%), and 7 (of 21; 33%) c ases, respectively. CE was the only diagnostic tool in four patients. CE was sli ghtly more sensitive than MRI (12 v 10 of 13 in suspected Crohn‘s disease and 1 3 v 11 of 14 in established Crohn‘s disease). MRI detected inflammatory conglom erates and enteric fistulae in three and two cases, respectively. Conclusion: CE and MRI are complementary methods for diagnosing small bowel Crohn‘s disease. CE is capable of detecting limited mucosal lesions that may be missed by MRI, bu t awareness of bowel obstruction is mandatory. In contrast, MRI is helpful in id entifying transmural Crohn‘s disease and extraluminal lesions, and may exclude strictures.(本文来源于《世界核心医学期刊文摘(胃肠病学分册)》期刊2006年04期)
Ochsenkühn,T,Herrmann,K,,Schoenberg,S,O[2](2005)在《邻近回肠末端的小肠克罗恩病:磁共振注气小肠灌肠检查》一文中研究指出Background: Although Crohn disease (CD) can affect the entire alimentary tract, the proportion of patients with small bowel inflammation proximal to the terminal ileum is still unclear. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) combined with smallbowel enteroclysis can detect inflammatory lesions of the small bowel. Hence, we applied MR enteroclysis to assess the percentage of patients with small bowel inflammation proximal to the terminal ileum among patients with CD and abdominal pain. Methods: Twenty five consecutive patients with low, active CD of the colon and/or terminal ileum and episodes of abdominal pain were examined by both MR enteroclysis and conventional enteroclysis. The findings of MR enteroclysis were compared with endoscopic and histological results in the terminal ileum and conventional enteroclysis in the small bowel proximal to the terminal ileum. Results: In 13 of the 25 patients, inflammation of the small bowel proximal to the terminal ileum was shown by MR enteroclysis, whereas in only 4 of the 25 patients, signs of inflammation of the small bowel proximal to the terminal ileum were shown by conventional enteroclysis, all of which were demonstrated by MR enteroclysis. MR enteroclysis confirmed the findings in 22 of 25 patients in whom endoscopy and histology had shown inflammation (16 of 18) or no inflammation (6 of 7) of the terminal ileum. Conclusion: In symptomatic patients with CD even of low activity, inflammation of the small bowel proximal to the terminal ileum is frequent.(本文来源于《世界核心医学期刊文摘(胃肠病学分册)》期刊2005年03期)
任小军[3](2003)在《磁共振注气小肠灌肠及水成像对小肠疾病诊断价值的研究》一文中研究指出1.研究目的 探讨磁共振注气小肠灌肠及小肠磁共振水成像检查技术及其对小肠疾病的诊断价值。 2.材料与方法 (1)检查分组:对临床怀疑小肠疾病的38例患者行小肠磁共振成像(MRI)检查。其中前15例行磁共振注气小肠灌肠(MR enteroclysis,称注气灌肠组),后23例行小肠磁共振水成像(称水成像组)。为了扩张小肠,注气灌肠组行小肠插管至十二指肠空肠曲后向小肠注入空气约1000ml,水成像组中22例口服2.5%的等渗甘露醇1500ml,1例严重肠梗阻直接利用肠腔内潴留的液体行小肠MRI。 (2)检查方法与序列:除1例肠梗阻外,其余病例扫描前均静脉注射山莨菪碱(654—2)20mg以抑制肠蠕动。各序列扫描均带脂肪抑制。扫描序列包括:a.注气灌肠组,静脉注射钆喷替酸葡甲胺(Gd—DTPA)12ml后冠状面和横断面T1WI的自旋回波(SE)序列和快速干扰梯度回波(fast spoiled gradient echo,FSPGR)序列;b.水成像组,冠状面TZWI的单次激发舰自旋回波(劝担忙-sho fs SE,SSFSE)序歹,TIWI的FSPGR序列禾增强后冠状丽o横断面FSPGR禾 SE序歹。 D)对照:将小肠MRI的诊断结果与手术、病理或临床诊硼照,同时评价两种小肠MRI的图像特点。 3.结果 O厂两组小肠MRI检查中,注气灌肠组小肠正常5例,克罗恩 (Cohn’s)病5例,回肠间质瘤(GIST)2例,淋巴瘤、肠结核和易激眺搬1例;水成幽正常刁肠9例,Cri’s病7例,f碰刁肠梗阻2例*瘤和慢陷恃夺异性炎症各1例),十二f涮+瘤、十二眠球炎、十二腼结肠瘦、空肠毛细血管扩张症和小肠旋转不良各1例。1例克罗恩(Cri’幻病被MRI误诊为淋巴瘤,l例小肠毛细血管扩张断pl 例易激综合症MM未发现异常,其余邯U的MM诊断均与手术、病理或临床诊断一致。 (2).水一气扫描FSP皿踌禾 SSFSE序列的图像无呼吸运动伪影和磁敏感伪影,质量优于SE序列和注气灌肠组的图像,水成像组的图像增强后带脂肪抑制的FSPGR序列屏气扫描对肠壁的显示最清楚。 4.结论 门厂磁共振注气小肠灌肠及水成像对诊断小肠器质性病变,尤其是Cohn’S病、肿瘤和绷IJ小肠梗阻原因具有重要价值; Q厂两种检查方法中,日服等渗甘露醇的小肠磁共振水成像较磁共振注气小肠灌肠更优越。(本文来源于《浙江大学》期刊2003-04-01)
Background: Although Crohn disease (CD) can affect the entire alimentary tract, the proportion of patients with small bowel inflammation proximal to the terminal ileum is still unclear. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) combined with smallbowel enteroclysis can detect inflammatory lesions of the small bowel. Hence, we applied MR enteroclysis to assess the percentage of patients with small bowel inflammation proximal to the terminal ileum among patients with CD and abdominal pain. Methods: Twenty five consecutive patients with low, active CD of the colon and/or terminal ileum and episodes of abdominal pain were examined by both MR enteroclysis and conventional enteroclysis. The findings of MR enteroclysis were compared with endoscopic and histological results in the terminal ileum and conventional enteroclysis in the small bowel proximal to the terminal ileum. Results: In 13 of the 25 patients, inflammation of the small bowel proximal to the terminal ileum was shown by MR enteroclysis, whereas in only 4 of the 25 patients, signs of inflammation of the small bowel proximal to the terminal ileum were shown by conventional enteroclysis, all of which were demonstrated by MR enteroclysis. MR enteroclysis confirmed the findings in 22 of 25 patients in whom endoscopy and histology had shown inflammation (16 of 18) or no inflammation (6 of 7) of the terminal ileum. Conclusion: In symptomatic patients with CD even of low activity, inflammation of the small bowel proximal to the terminal ileum is frequent.