杜娟[1](2017)在《叁元乙丙橡胶热绝缘材料》一文中研究指出RU2600063该热绝缘材料包括SKEPT-50(叁元乙丙橡胶)100.0份,硫磺3.0份,二硫基二吗啉2.0份,秋兰姆D 1.0份,2-巯基苯并噻唑2.5份,氧化锌5.0份,硬脂酸1.0份,炭黑P342加工助剂2.0份,BS120(气相法白炭黑)30.0份,甲基磷酸硼、环氧树脂ED-20和苯胺以质量比2.5:1.0:2.5反应制(本文来源于《世界橡胶工业》期刊2017年08期)
Akram,Hassan,Mohammed,Ali(阿克兰)[3](2014)在《基于相变热耗散和热绝缘的多功能层合防火织物的制备和表征》一文中研究指出Heat barriers or insulators were defined as those materials or combinations of materials, which retarded the heat transfer with reasonable effectiveness under ordinary conditions. Insulating materials were used in many different applications and at a variety of temperatures. The purpose of thermal protective clothing is to reduce the rate of heat build up in human skin, in order to provide time for the wearers to react, and avoid or minimize skin burn injuries. This is accomplished by using a garment which is both flame resistant and thermally insulating. Many of the heat barrier materials being employed use some form of textile fibers or fabrics. Firefighting protective clothing is a highly advanced system designed to protect people against being burned in high temperature environments. This research focuses on the development and evaluation of firefighting fabrics use in flash-over temperature approximately1000℃.The overall design of the isolated flexible composite fabric was compounded of inner comfort layer, phase changes endothermic composite layer and outside heat reflecting layer, sequentially, in order to achieve a flexible, efficient, long-term effect of thermal protection. To give a brief introduction to the preparation and process of the flexible composite fabric, the high temperature environment, severe heat, the fire incident due to radiation intensity, and relatively high temperature thermal properties of the fibers were considered.Metal foil has a high thermal the reflectivity and low cost-effective; therefore aluminum foil was used as a heat-reflective material, bonded to a high-temperature glass fabric. The nonwoven basalt fiber and nonwoven glass fiber fabric were selected due to their high performance under high temperature environment. Two stages of phase change materials were selected to design the flexible composite fabric. The Galactitol was chosen as the first stage phase change material and NaCl-MgCl2as the second stage phase change material in the composite fabric. The design principle considers some parameter such as phase change material phase change before and after the relatively fixed, the choice of the high temperature resistant fibers needled felt and phase change as the endothermic composite layer matrix. The firefighting composite fabric substrate on the outer layer heat-reflective layer, selection of high performance fiber, based on two phase change materials which are safe to use and easy to get. In order to ensure human comfort, the retardant cotton fabric was selected as the inner layer. To ensure the composite fabric flexibility, as well as the phase change material is relatively fixed, the sewing processing of each of the functional structural layers of composite was formed.To characterize the fabric insulation performance under the flash-over conditions and its prolonged failure behavior, fabric samples were placed in this environment, and the temperature sensors were used to measure the specimens' positive and negative temperature changes with the time. The temperature-time curves were obtained through computer control software for real-time recording, to measure and compare the pros and cons of the firefighting fabric's insulation performance. In addition, repeated exposure to open flame fire environment fabric thermal protective performance and retention of the basic mechanical properties test analysis.The obtained composite fabric having excellent fire insulation properties, the composite fabric composed of functional decomposition due to their respective monolayer sharing role. This fabric design has a better fire insulation effect by the test of fire insulation performance of the flexible composite fabric.From the analysis of the heat transfer model and the measured results of the fire insulation performance, it is shown that the treated firefighting fabrics under the environment of high temperature and severe heat, is difficult to achieve long time protection. The high temperature phase change materials during the fire exposure experiment and it is efficiency play significant role in the fire protective performance of the composite fabric. The adiabatic test system heat transfer model in fabric thermal performance parameters vary with temperature of the heat transfer mechanism needs to be further explored. So long, high-temperature differential drop firefighting fabric development and its mechanism of heat transfer and much work remains to be done in-depth research.(本文来源于《东华大学》期刊2014-04-01)
胡亚楠[5](2011)在《ASTM热绝缘技术委员会发布两项热传递绝缘系统新标准》一文中研究指出热传递绝缘系统的材料质量和正确安装对其有效性、安全性和耐久性是相当重要的。ASTM两项新标准为热传递绝缘系统的使用者和安装者提供了重要信息,它们是:ASTM C 1743《居民住宅建设中热传递绝缘系统的使用和安装实施细则》和ASTM C 1744《商用建筑中热传递绝缘系统的使用和安装实施细则》。这两项标准由ASTM C 16热绝缘技术委员会下属(本文来源于《中国标准化》期刊2011年04期)
田斌,胡明[8](2005)在《基于热绝缘的多孔硅技术及其在微传感器中的应用》一文中研究指出介绍了多孔硅的热导率特性以及孔径、孔隙率、热处理等因素对其影响.分析了目前基于热绝缘的多孔硅制备技术发展现状,着重对阶梯电流法和脉冲电流法进行了介绍和比较, 认为脉冲电流法因为其特殊的优势,将在以后的发展中得到更广泛的应用.多孔硅由于其热绝缘特性以及技术优势,已经在微传感器领域得到广泛的应用.(本文来源于《无机材料学报》期刊2005年03期)
杨眉,刘清友,汤小文,黄本生[9](2004)在《硬质合金与金刚石焊接用热绝缘剂的试验研究》一文中研究指出通过单颗粒金刚石的烧蚀试验和氧 乙炔堆焊试样的耐磨性试验 ,开发出适用于超硬材料焊接用的热绝缘剂。试验研究表明 :(1)热绝缘剂的使用使金刚石受高温作用后其晶体形态保持良好 ,单颗粒的抗压力基本保持不变 ,球形硬质合金的球形保持完好 ;(2 )热绝缘剂对保持金刚石和硬质合金良好的耐磨性效果显着 ;(3)热绝缘剂的使用避免了超硬材料的烧蚀现象和金刚石高温焊接时出现变质或石墨化 ,降低了超硬材料的使用量 ,提高了超硬材料工具的使用可靠性 ,为超硬材料的应用开辟了更广阔的前景(本文来源于《石油机械》期刊2004年11期)

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