Effect of acceptor ions concentration in lead phosphate glasses co-doped with Tb3+-Ln3+(Ln=Eu,Sm)for LED applications

Effect of acceptor ions concentration in lead phosphate glasses co-doped with Tb3+-Ln3+(Ln=Eu,Sm)for LED applications


In this work,lead phosphate glasses doubly doped with Tb3+ and Ln3+(Ln=Eu,Sm) ions were prepared.The excitation and emission spectra of lanthanides ions were recorded.The luminescent properties of lead phosphate glasses containing various concentrations of acceptor ions were analyzed.It is observed that luminescence bands corresponding to characteristic transitions of rare earth ions are present on emission spectra measured under direct excitation of Tb3+.From the emission spectra,the Commission Internationale de I’Eclairage(CIE) chromaticity coordinates(x,y) were calculated in relation to potential application studied systems for white LEDs.Luminescence lifetimes were also determined based on decay measurements and discussed in details.In general,the luminescence spectra and luminescence lifetimes depend on the relative concentrations of the optically active dopants.



类型: 期刊论文

作者: Agata Gorny,Marta Soltys,Joanna Pisarska,Wojciech A.Pisarski

来源: Journal of Rare Earths 2019年11期

年度: 2019

分类: 工程科技Ⅰ辑

专业: 无机化工

单位: Institute of Chemistry,University of Silesia

基金: Project supported by the National Science Centre(Poland)(2015,17,B,ST7,03730)

分类号: TQ171.1

页码: 1145-1151

总页数: 7

文件大小: 1376K

下载量: 11


Effect of acceptor ions concentration in lead phosphate glasses co-doped with Tb3+-Ln3+(Ln=Eu,Sm)for LED applications
