A novel non-separation opening scheme of front cover for rocket launch canister

A novel non-separation opening scheme of front cover for rocket launch canister


In view of that existing opening technologies of front cover for rocket launch canister have disadvantages such as causing damage on the ground equipment,not being reused and easily broken.A novel reusable non-separation spring-driven opening scheme is proposed to achieve rapid and reliable opening of the front cover.The mathematical model of the opening process of the front cover is established by the rigid body dynamics theory.To establish a response surface model to optimize the opening scheme,three main influencing factors of the opening process are obtained through the designed experiments,including the pre-compression,the stiffness of the thrust spring,and the thrust spring force arm length.In addition,the prescribed kinematic law was taken as constraint,and the smaller thrust spring preliminary pressure and angular velocity was taken as optimization expectations.The results show that the opening scheme meets the design requirements on opening process well.It also shows that the optimized scheme can reduce the kinetic energy of the front cover,and the impact on the canister effectively,achieving a reliable and rapid opening of the front cover.



类型: 期刊论文

作者: Ce Zhang,Xin Zhao,Zonglai Mo,Zhuoyu Guo,Jun Li

来源: Defence Technology 2019年06期

年度: 2019

分类: 工程科技Ⅱ辑

专业: 航空航天科学与工程

单位: School of Mechanical Engineering,Nanjing University of Science and Technology

分类号: V553.1

页码: 905-911

总页数: 7

文件大小: 998K


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A novel non-separation opening scheme of front cover for rocket launch canister
