Visualization of drained rock volume(DRV) in hydraulically fractured reservoirs with and without natural fractures using complex analysis methods(CAMs)

Visualization of drained rock volume(DRV) in hydraulically fractured reservoirs with and without natural fractures using complex analysis methods(CAMs)


The drainage areas(and volumes)near hydraulically fractured wells,computed and visualized in our study at high resolution,may be critically affected by the presence of natural fractures.Using a recently developed algorithm based on complex analysis methods(CAMs),the drained rock volume(DRV)is visualized for a range of synthetic constellations of natural fractures near hydraulic fractures.First,flow interference effects near a single hydraulic fracture are systematically investigated for a variety of natural fracture sets.The permeability contrast between the matrix and the natural fractures is increased stepwise in order to better understand the effect on the DRV.Next,a larger-scale model investigates flow interference for a full hydraulically fractured well with a variety of natural fracture sets.The time of flight contours(TOFCs)outlining the DRV are for all cases with natural fractures compared to a base case without any natural fractures.Discrete natural fractures,with different orientations,hydraulic conductivity,and fracture density,may shift the TOFC patterns in the reservoir region drained by the hydraulically fractured well,essentially shifting the location of the well’s drainage area.The CAM-based models provide a computationally efficient method to quantify and visualize the drainage in both naturally and hydraulically fractured reservoirs.


  • Abbreviations
  • 1 Introduction
  • 2 CAM methodology and algorithms
  •   2.1 Novelty in our approach
  •   2.2 Analytical elements
  •   2.3 Time of ight contours
  •   2.4 Basic ow simulation
  • 3 Impact of natural fractures on ow near hydraulic fractures
  •   3.1 Case A:oblique natural fractures close to the hydraulic fracture
  •   3.2 Case B:localized natural fractures perpendicular to the hydraulic fracture
  •   3.3 Case C:oblique natural fractures encompassing the hydraulic fractures evenly
  •   3.4 Case D:complex crossing natural fractures
  •   3.5 Case E:evenly distributed natural fractures with higher density
  •   3.6 Accuracy of results
  • 4 Natural fractures between two adjoining wells
  •   4.1 Base case:multiple wells with no natural fractures
  •   4.2 Cases F and G:natural fractures between two wells(moderate angle with hydraulic fractures)
  •   4.3 Cases H and K:slanted natural fractures(higher density)between two wells(moderate angle with hydraulic fractures)
  •   4.4 Cases L and M:slanted natural fractures between two wells(high angle with hydraulic fractures)
  • 5 Discussion
  •   5.1 E ect of natural fractures between two hydraulic fractures
  •   5.2 E ect of natural fractures on the inter?well space DRV
  •   5.3 E ect of natural fractures on well productivity
  •   5.4 E ect of time?steps on accuracy of the results
  • 6 Conclusions
  • 文章来源

    类型: 期刊论文

    作者: Aadi Khanal,Ruud Weijermars

    来源: Petroleum Science 2019年03期

    年度: 2019

    分类: 工程科技Ⅰ辑

    专业: 石油天然气工业

    单位: Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering, Texas A&M University

    分类号: TE357.1

    页码: 550-577

    总页数: 28

    文件大小: 7011K

    下载量: 5


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    Visualization of drained rock volume(DRV) in hydraulically fractured reservoirs with and without natural fractures using complex analysis methods(CAMs)
