1 Establishment of dynamic model of mechanism with clearance 1.1 Model transformation of planar nine-bar mechanism with a revolute clearance 1.2 Establishment of kinematics equation with a revolute clearance 1.3 Establishment of dynamic equation with a revolute clearance 1.4 Solution of the kinematic differential equation of the model2 Nonlinear characteristics of planar nine-bar mechanism with a revolute clearance 2.1 Parameter setting of the mechanism with a revolute clearance 2.2 Chaos identification of mechanism with a revolute clearance 2.3 The effect of main parameters of the mechanism on the chaotic motions 2.3.1 Effect of clearance value on chaotic motion 2.3.2 Effect of driving speed of two cranks on chaotic motion3 Conclusions
类型: 期刊论文
作者: 陈修龙,蔡京成,姜帅
关键词: 多连杆机构,间隙,欠驱动机构,混沌,分岔,非线性动力学行为
来源: 山东科技大学学报(自然科学版) 2019年02期
年度: 2019
分类: 基础科学,工程科技Ⅱ辑
专业: 机械工业
单位: 山东科技大学机械电子工程学院
基金: 山东省自然科学基金项目(ZR2017MEE066)
分类号: TH112
DOI: 10.16452/j.cnki.sdkjzk.2019.02.013
页码: 106-116
总页数: 11
文件大小: 2315K
下载量: 150
标签:多连杆机构论文; 间隙论文; 欠驱动机构论文; 混沌论文; 分岔论文; 非线性动力学行为论文;