杨静,苏凯,叶思菁[1](2019)在《黑河流域气温的稳定性与长程相关性(英文)》一文中研究指出Air temperature(AT) is a subsystem of a complex climate. Long-range correlation(LRC) is an important feature of complexity. Our research attempt to evaluate AT's complexity differences in different land-use types in the Heihe River Basin(HRB) based on the stability and LRC. The results show the following:(1) AT's stability presents differences in different land-use types. In agricultural land, there is no obvious variation in the trend throughout the year. Whereas in a desert, the variation in the trend is obvious: the AT is more stable in summer than it is in winter, with Ta ranges of [8, 20]°C and SD of the AT residual ranges of [0.2, 0.7], respectively. Additionally, in mountainous areas, when the altitude is beyond a certain value, AT's stability changes.(2) AT's LRC presents differences in different land-use types. In agricultural land, the long-range correlation of AT is the most persistent throughout the year, showing the smallest difference between summer and winter, with the Hs range of [0.8, 1]. Vegetation could be an important factor. In a desert, the long-range correlation of AT is less persistent, showing the greatest difference between summer and winter, with the Hs range of [0.54, 0.96]. Solar insolation could be a dominant factor. In an alpine meadow, the long-range correlation of AT is the least persistent throughout the year, presenting a smaller difference between summer and winter, with the Hs range of [0.6, 0.85]. Altitude could be an important factor.(3) Usually, LRC is a combination of the Ta and SD of the AT residuals. A larger Ta and smaller SD of the AT residual would be conducive to a more persistent LRC, whereas a smaller Ta and larger SD of the AT residual would limit the persistence of LRC. A larger Ta and SD of the AT residual would create persistence to a degree between those of the first two cases, as would a smaller Ta and SD of the AT residual. In addition, the last two cases might show the same LRC.(本文来源于《Journal of Geographical Sciences》期刊2019年09期)
张婷,沈石,程昌秀[2](2019)在《不同辐射对土壤湿度长程相关性的影响——以黑河流域阿柔超级站为例(英文)》一文中研究指出Analyses of the soil moisture evolution trend and the influence of different types of radiation on soil moisture are of great significance to the simulation and prediction of soil moisture. In this paper, soil moisture(2–60 cm) and various radiation data from 2014–2015 at the A'rou superstation were selected. The radiation data include the net radiation(NR), shortwave and longwave radiation(SR and LR). Using adaptive fractal analysis(AFA), the long-range correlation(LRC) of soil moisture and long-range cross correlation(LRCC) between moisture and three types of radiation were analyzed at different timescales and soil depths. The results show that:(1) Persistence of soil moisture and consistency between soil moisture and radiation mutate at 18-d and 6-d timescales, respectively. The timescale variation of soil moisture persistence is mainly related to the influence process of radiation on soil moisture;(2) Both the soil moisture persistence and soil moisture-radiation consistency vary substantially with soil depth. The soil depth variation of soil moisture persistence is related to the influence intensity of radiation;(3) From 2–6 day timescales, LR displays the strongest influence on soil moisture at depths of 2–10 cm through negative feedback of radiation on the soil temperature. The influence intensity decreases with depth from 2–15 cm. Therefore, the soil moisture persistence is weak and increases with depth from 2–15 cm; and(4) At more than 6 day timescales, SR and NR display a stronger influence on the soil moisture persistence at depths of 2–40 cm through positive feedback of radiation on the soil temperature, especially at depths of 2–10 cm. This influence also weakens with depth. The soil moisture persistence at depths of 2–10 cm is the weakest and increases with depth from 2–40 cm. The research results are instructive for determining timescales and soil depths related to soil water in hydrological models.(本文来源于《Journal of Geographical Sciences》期刊2019年09期)
刘祖涵,周佐芳[3](2019)在《基于DCCA的不透水面与温度的长程互相关性研究》一文中研究指出以江西省寻乌县为研究靶区,运用随机森林算法(Random Forest,RF)提取了研究区不透水面的遥感信息,分析了不透水面与温度的长程互相关性,结果表明二者在F2(s)与s的双对数曲线存在叁个无标度区间,且存在两个分界点,反映了二者之间的年代际长程相关性。研究结果以期为城市地表覆盖变化及其气候效应分析提供新的视角和思路。(本文来源于《甘肃科技》期刊2019年07期)
方赟,葛剑青,王凌玲,王小姗[7](2016)在《长程视频脑电图监测对睡眠相关性癫痫的诊断价值》一文中研究指出目的:分析长程视频脑电图(video electroencephalogram,VEEG)监测对睡眠相关性癫痫的诊断价值。方法:对2013年7月—2014年11月收集的119例睡眠相关性癫痫患者的VEEG及常规脑电图(routine electroencephalogram,REEG)进行回顾性分析。结果:本组患者REEG监测的总异常检出率为33.61%,VEEG监测的总异常检出率为98.32%,两种方法比较差异有统计学意义(χ2=109.83,P<0.001)。REEG监测的痫样放电检出率为18.49%,VEEG监测的痫样放电检出率为85.71%,两种方法比较差异有统计学意义(χ2=107.75,P<0.001)。REEG监测本组患者无临床事件发生,VEEG监测中有42例患者记录到临床事件。结论:VEEG监测显着提高痫样放电的检出率,更好地监测睡眠中的痫样放电、发作期脑电及发作期临床表现,对睡眠相关性癫痫的诊断及明确发作类型具有重要价值。(本文来源于《南京医科大学学报(自然科学版)》期刊2016年11期)
方赟,葛剑青,王凌玲,王小姗[8](2016)在《长程视频脑电图监测对睡眠相关性癫痫的诊断价值》一文中研究指出目的:分析长程视频脑电图(video electroencephalogram,VEEG)监测对睡眠相关性癫痫的诊断价值。方法:对2013年7月-2014年11月收集的119例睡眠相关性癫痫患者的VEEG及常规脑电图(routineelectroencephalogram,REEG)进行回顾性分析。结果:本组患者REEG监测的脑电图(electroencephalogram,EEG)总异常检出率为33.61%,VEEG监测的EEG总异常检出率为98.32%,两种方法比较差异有显着意义(x 2=109.83,P<0.001)。REEG监测的痫样放电检出率为18.49%,VEEG监测的痫样放电检出率为85.71%,两种方法比较差异有显着意义(x 2=107.75,P<0.001)。本组患者的REEG监测无临床事件,VEEG监测中有42例患者记录到临床事件。结论:VEEG监测显着提高痫样放电的检出率,更好的监测睡眠中的痫样放电、发作期脑电及发作期临床表现,对睡眠相关性癫痫的诊断及明确发作类型具有重要价值。(本文来源于《华东六省一市第二十叁次神经病学学术会议暨2016年浙江省神经病学学术年会论文汇编》期刊2016-07-29)
方赟[10](2016)在《长程视频脑电图监测对睡眠相关性癫痫的诊断价值》一文中研究指出目的:通过分析患者VEEG(video electroencephalogram长程视频脑电图)监测结果,并且对比其REEG(routine electroencephalogram常规脑电图)监测结果,对睡眠相关性癫痫患者的VEEG及REEG监测结果进行比较。研究其背景脑电、发作间期痫样放电及癫痫发作等电生理活动的时间分布特点,观察发作期临床表现,并探索睡眠相关性癫痫的病理生理特点等。评估VEEG对于睡眠相关性癫痫的诊断价值,从而更好的减少误诊、漏诊概率,有助于明确发作类型、诊断癫痫综合征,及指导给药时间等。方法:采集2013年7月~2014年11月期间在南京脑科医院就诊的癫痫患者的临床表现及既往病史,筛选其中119例符合睡眠相关性癫痫诊断的患者。对这119例睡眠相关性癫痫患者进行VEEG及REEG监测进行自身对照,通过对脑电数据及视频监测数据的回顾性分析,研究背景脑电、发作间期痫样放电及发作期脑电、临床表现,对VEEG及REEG的数据进行统计学对比分析。结果:本组119例患者REEG监测的总异常检出率为33.61%,VEEG监测的总异常检出率为98.32%,两种方法比较差异有显着意义,χ2= 109.83,P<0.05。REEG监测出的痫样放电检出率为18.49%,VEEG监测出的痫样放电检出率为85.71%,两种方法比较差异有显着意义,χ2= 107.75,P<0.05。本组119例患者的REEG检查均未记录到临床事件。6例患者经VEEG诊断为BECT(benign childhood epilepsy with centro-temporal spikes伴中央-颞区棘波的儿童良性癫痫)。119例患者中,有42例在VEEG监测中记录到临床发作事件,其中1例患者为SED(subclinicalepileptogemidischarge临床下放电),41例患者为痫性发作。该41例患者中6例在醒、睡各期均监测到癫痫发作,34例仅在睡眠期监测到癫痫发作。结论:VEEG可以完整的监测清醒-睡眠-觉醒周期的脑电数据及临床视频数据。对于电生理活动及临床表现都相对隐匿的睡眠相关性癫痫患者来说,VEEG可显着提高其背景脑电异常、痫样放电及癫痫发作的检出率。并且,VEEG可以记录睡眠相关性癫痫患者夜间发作的临床表现,为癫痫发作的临床症状学研究提供了更为直观有效的数据,可以更加有效的避免漏诊、误诊,对于明确发作类型、癫痫综合征的诊断,及确定治疗方案等均具有重要价值。(本文来源于《南京医科大学》期刊2016-07-01)
Analyses of the soil moisture evolution trend and the influence of different types of radiation on soil moisture are of great significance to the simulation and prediction of soil moisture. In this paper, soil moisture(2–60 cm) and various radiation data from 2014–2015 at the A'rou superstation were selected. The radiation data include the net radiation(NR), shortwave and longwave radiation(SR and LR). Using adaptive fractal analysis(AFA), the long-range correlation(LRC) of soil moisture and long-range cross correlation(LRCC) between moisture and three types of radiation were analyzed at different timescales and soil depths. The results show that:(1) Persistence of soil moisture and consistency between soil moisture and radiation mutate at 18-d and 6-d timescales, respectively. The timescale variation of soil moisture persistence is mainly related to the influence process of radiation on soil moisture;(2) Both the soil moisture persistence and soil moisture-radiation consistency vary substantially with soil depth. The soil depth variation of soil moisture persistence is related to the influence intensity of radiation;(3) From 2–6 day timescales, LR displays the strongest influence on soil moisture at depths of 2–10 cm through negative feedback of radiation on the soil temperature. The influence intensity decreases with depth from 2–15 cm. Therefore, the soil moisture persistence is weak and increases with depth from 2–15 cm; and(4) At more than 6 day timescales, SR and NR display a stronger influence on the soil moisture persistence at depths of 2–40 cm through positive feedback of radiation on the soil temperature, especially at depths of 2–10 cm. This influence also weakens with depth. The soil moisture persistence at depths of 2–10 cm is the weakest and increases with depth from 2–40 cm. The research results are instructive for determining timescales and soil depths related to soil water in hydrological models.