




Goldbart,A.D.,Veling,M.C.,Goldman,J.L.,D.,Gozal,王经纬[2](2005)在《阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停儿童增殖腺扁桃体切除术后糖皮质激素受体亚单位的表达》一文中研究指出Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy (T& A) is a frequent surgical procedure in children with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Many symptomatic children who do not fulfill the currently recommended criteria for T& A may benefit from topical intranasal steroid therapy. However, the expression of glucocorticoid receptor (GCR) expression in adenoid and tonsillar tissue is currently unknown. The objective of this study was to assess and compare expression patterns of the human GCR in children who undergo T& A for either recurrent throat infections (RI) or OSA. Adenotonsillar tissues from 36 children with OSA or RI were subjected to quantitative PCR using specific primers for GCR-α and GCR-β and to immunohistochemistry and Western blotting for protein expression of GCR isoforms. mRNA encoding for expression of both GCR-α and GCR-β was detected in the tonsils and adenoids of all children, with markedly higher relative abundance of the GCR-α . Furthermore,GCR-α mRNA expression was increased in OSA-derived adenoid and tonsil tissues compared with RI, whereas no differences emerged for GCR-β . Immunoblots confirmed these findings for the protein transcripts of these genes, and immunohistochemistry showed a specific topographic pattern of distribution for both receptors in tonsillar tissue. GCR-α and GCR-β are expressed in pediatric adenotonsillar tissue, are more abundant in OSA patients, and demonstrate a specific topographic pattern of expression. These findings along with the high GCR-α :GCR-β ratio suggest a favorable profile for topical steroid therapy in snoring children with adenotonsillar hypertrophy.(本文来源于《世界核心医学期刊文摘(儿科学分册)》期刊2005年09期)

杜瀛瀛[3](2005)在《支气管哮喘患者外周血单个核细胞的功能学变化与糖皮质激素受体亚单位表达》一文中研究指出背景 支气管哮喘(Bronchial asthma)是多种炎性细胞和细胞组分共同参与的气道慢性炎症,淋巴细胞及其细胞因子在其中发挥重要作用。树状突细胞(Dendritic cell,DC)摄取抗原信息后,在细胞因子协助下呈递抗原,诱导Th0细胞(Helper T lymphocyte)分化,导致Th2细胞反应性增高,同时伴有Th1细胞反应性降低,增高的Th2细胞因子作用于免疫球蛋白E(Immunoglobulin E,IgE)、嗜酸性粒细胞(Eosinophil,E)、肥大细胞等环节,诱使气道高反应和哮喘发作。细胞因子在此过程中的作用十分复杂,涉及过敏源种类、哮喘病程时相、细胞因子间相互作用、细胞因子表达量和比例的变化等诸多问题,相关研究结果也存在一些抵触与矛盾。糖皮质激素治疗哮喘效果肯定,目前已知激素发挥抗炎作用除了通过结合糖皮质激素受体(Glucocorticoid receptor,GR),作用于DNA靶序列上糖皮质激素受体反应单元(Glucocorticoid response elements,GRE)调节炎性介质转录外,还存在GR与其他转录因子(transcription factor)交互作用来抑制炎性因子表达这一机制。现已证实,糖皮质激素受体有两种亚单位形式:GRα和GRβ。目前认为GRα是介导激素生理作用的主要形式,而GRβ是GRα发挥生理作用的内源性拮抗因子,可能在激素抵抗型哮喘(Steroid-resistant asthma,SR)发病中起重要作用。 目的 探讨肿瘤坏死因子-α(Tumor necrosis factor-α,TNF-α)、白介素-2(interleukin-2,IL-2)、干扰素-α(Interferon-α,IFN-α)及其之间相互作用对哮喘患者外周血单个核细胞(peripheral blood mononuclear cells,PBMCs)功能学的影响,以及这种影响与糖皮质激素受体亚单位表达之间的关系。(本文来源于《安徽医科大学》期刊2005-05-12)

杜瀛瀛[4](2004)在《激素抵抗型哮喘中糖皮质激素受体β亚单位的表达》一文中研究指出支气管哮喘的本质是气道慢性炎症 ,糖皮质激素是目前临床上治疗哮喘的首选药物。但部分哮喘患者对激素治疗不敏感 ,称为糖皮质激素抵抗型哮喘。近年来 ,大量证据表明激素抵抗型哮喘与糖皮质激素受体结构和功能的改变有关 ,尤其是受体 β亚单位的异常表达成为研究的热点。为进一步探讨激素抵抗型哮喘的发病机制 ,现将糖皮质激素受体 β亚单位的表达在激素抵抗型哮喘中的意义作一综述。(本文来源于《国外医学(呼吸系统分册)》期刊2004年01期)






Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy (T& A) is a frequent surgical procedure in children with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Many symptomatic children who do not fulfill the currently recommended criteria for T& A may benefit from topical intranasal steroid therapy. However, the expression of glucocorticoid receptor (GCR) expression in adenoid and tonsillar tissue is currently unknown. The objective of this study was to assess and compare expression patterns of the human GCR in children who undergo T& A for either recurrent throat infections (RI) or OSA. Adenotonsillar tissues from 36 children with OSA or RI were subjected to quantitative PCR using specific primers for GCR-α and GCR-β and to immunohistochemistry and Western blotting for protein expression of GCR isoforms. mRNA encoding for expression of both GCR-α and GCR-β was detected in the tonsils and adenoids of all children, with markedly higher relative abundance of the GCR-α . Furthermore,GCR-α mRNA expression was increased in OSA-derived adenoid and tonsil tissues compared with RI, whereas no differences emerged for GCR-β . Immunoblots confirmed these findings for the protein transcripts of these genes, and immunohistochemistry showed a specific topographic pattern of distribution for both receptors in tonsillar tissue. GCR-α and GCR-β are expressed in pediatric adenotonsillar tissue, are more abundant in OSA patients, and demonstrate a specific topographic pattern of expression. These findings along with the high GCR-α :GCR-β ratio suggest a favorable profile for topical steroid therapy in snoring children with adenotonsillar hypertrophy.

















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