张军[1]2004年在《12Cr1MoV钢导汽管组织性能评定与应力计算》文中指出火电厂导汽管道在高温高压下长期运行中会发生组织损伤和蠕变损伤,随着管道损伤程度的不断加深,材质的断裂韧性和强度会不断下降,这使导汽管道尤其是超期服役机组导汽管道发生严重破坏的可能性大大增加。导汽管道的破坏失效严重危害电厂的安全经济运行,因此正确的诊断导汽管的损伤程度,并合理的评价其剩余寿命,是预防导汽管道早期失效,并在保证导汽管道安全运行的前提下充分利用超期服役机组剩余寿命的关键。 本文以某火力发电厂导汽管道常用的12CrlMoV钢实际运行15万小时后的材料为研究对象,采用化学成分分析、常温力学性能试验、金相及扫描电镜分析、蠕变损伤观察、高温持久强度试验等试验方法,对某火力发电厂4~#机组12CrlMoV锅炉导汽管组织和损伤及寿命状态进行综合分析与评定。试验结果表明:导汽管运行151609 h后,该导汽管弯管处金相组织球化程度严重,蠕变损伤接近3级,常温抗拉强度和高温持久强度下降明显。在继续使用该导汽管弯管时,需要对该导汽管弯管加强监督,确保电厂安全运行。
Yan, Guo, Paola, Viganò, Bernardo, Secchi, Peijun, Shi[2]2012年在《Disaster and Urbanism》文中研究说明12Cr1MoV的钢导汽管组织性能评定与应力计算
Paola, Viganò[3]2012年在《Extreme Cities and Bad Places》文中进行了进一步梳理12Cr1MoV的钢导汽管组织性能评定与应力计算
Lorenzo, Fabian[4]2012年在《Extreme Cities and Isotropic Territories: Scenarios and Projects Arising from the Environmental Emergency of the Central Veneto Città Diffusa》文中提出12Cr1MoV的钢导汽管组织性能评定与应力计算
Armina, Pilav[5]2012年在《Before the War,War,After the War: Urban Imageries for Urban Resilience》文中研究指明12Cr1MoV的钢导汽管组织性能评定与应力计算
William, J.Siembieda[6]2012年在《Transactions and Friction as Concepts to Guide Disaster Recovery Policy》文中研究说明12Cr1MoV的钢导汽管组织性能评定与应力计算
Yan, Guo[7]2012年在《Urban Resilience in Post-Disaster Reconstruction: Towards a Resilient Development in Sichuan,China》文中指出12Cr1MoV的钢导汽管组织性能评定与应力计算
Elizabeth, Maly, Yoshimitsu, Shiozaki[8]2012年在《Towards a Policy that Supports People-Centered Housing Recovery——Learning from Housing Reconstruction after the Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake in Kobe,Japan》文中研究表明12Cr1MoV的钢导汽管组织性能评定与应力计算
Wanglin, Yan, William, Galloway[9]2012年在《The 2nd Environmental Innovator's PACC (Programs and Actions on Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change) Symposium in Tokyo,16–17 December 2011》文中认为12Cr1MoV的钢导汽管组织性能评定与应力计算
佚名[10]2012年在《International Journal of Disaster Risk Science Instructions for Authors》文中研究说明12Cr1MoV的钢导汽管组织性能评定与应力计算
[1]. 12Cr1MoV钢导汽管组织性能评定与应力计算[D]. 张军. 武汉大学. 2004
[2]. Disaster and Urbanism[J]. Yan, Guo, Paola, Viganò, Bernardo, Secchi, Peijun, Shi. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science. 2012
[3]. Extreme Cities and Bad Places[J]. Paola, Viganò. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science. 2012
[4]. Extreme Cities and Isotropic Territories: Scenarios and Projects Arising from the Environmental Emergency of the Central Veneto Città Diffusa[J]. Lorenzo, Fabian. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science. 2012
[5]. Before the War,War,After the War: Urban Imageries for Urban Resilience[J]. Armina, Pilav. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science. 2012
[6]. Transactions and Friction as Concepts to Guide Disaster Recovery Policy[J]. William, J.Siembieda. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science. 2012
[7]. Urban Resilience in Post-Disaster Reconstruction: Towards a Resilient Development in Sichuan,China[J]. Yan, Guo. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science. 2012
[8]. Towards a Policy that Supports People-Centered Housing Recovery——Learning from Housing Reconstruction after the Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake in Kobe,Japan[J]. Elizabeth, Maly, Yoshimitsu, Shiozaki. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science. 2012
[9]. The 2nd Environmental Innovator's PACC (Programs and Actions on Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change) Symposium in Tokyo,16–17 December 2011[J]. Wanglin, Yan, William, Galloway. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science. 2012
[10]. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science Instructions for Authors[J]. 佚名. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science. 2012