Solvent-free microwave-assisted synthesis of tenorite nanoparticle-decorated multi-walled carbon nanotubes

Solvent-free microwave-assisted synthesis of tenorite nanoparticle-decorated multi-walled carbon nanotubes


Copper-decorated carbon nanotubes(CNTs) have important applications as precursors for ultraconductive copper wires. Tenorite-decorated CNTs(CuO-CNTs) are ideal candidates and are currently developed using laborious processes. For this reason, we have developed a facile and scalable method for the synthesis of CuO-CNTs from copper acetate. It was found that the optimal loading of copper acetate onto the CNTs was 23.1 wt% and that three 1-minute microwave treatments were sufficient for the decomposition of copper acetate to copper oxide. The loading of copper oxide onto the nanotubes was confirmed using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and thermogravimetric analysis. The materials were characterised using X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy.



类型: 期刊论文

作者: Jennifer A.Rudd,Cathren E.Gowenlock,Virginia Gomez,Ewa Kazimierska,Abdullah M.Al-Enizi,Enrico Andreoli,Andrew R.Barron

来源: Journal of Materials Science & Technology 2019年06期

年度: 2019

分类: 工程科技Ⅰ辑

专业: 无机化工,材料科学

单位: Energy Safety Research Institute,Swansea University,Bay Campus,Chemistry Department,College of Sciences,King Saud University,Department of Chemistry,Rice University,Department of Materials Science and Nanoengineering,Rice University

基金: the financial support provided by the Welsh Government Sêr Cymru National Research Network in Advanced Engineering and Materials (NRN-150),the Sêr Cymru Chair Programme (A.R.B.),the Sêr Cymru II Fellowship (C.E.G.),the Sêr Cymru II Recapturing Talent Fellowship (E.K.),partly funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF),part of the Flexible Integrated Energy Systems (FLEXIS) and Reducing Industrial Carbon Emissions (RICE) research operations funded by the Welsh European Funding Office (WEFO),provided by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) UK,the Robert A. Welch Foundation (C-0002),King Saud University,the assistance provided by the Swansea University AIM Facility,which was funded in part by the EPSRC (EP,M028267,1),the European Regional Development Fund through the Welsh Government (80708),the Sêr Solar project via the Welsh Government

分类号: TQ127.11;TB383.1

页码: 1121-1127

总页数: 7

文件大小: 1028K

下载量: 10


Solvent-free microwave-assisted synthesis of tenorite nanoparticle-decorated multi-walled carbon nanotubes
