Preparation and in vitro-in vivo evaluation of intestinal retention pellets of Berberine chloride to enhance hypoglycemic and lipid-lowing efficacy

Preparation and in vitro-in vivo evaluation of intestinal retention pellets of Berberine chloride to enhance hypoglycemic and lipid-lowing efficacy


Berberine chloride(BBR) is a pharmacokinetic profile of drug with poor bioavailability but good therapeutic efficacy,which is closely related to the discovery of BBR intestinal target.The major aim of this paper is to develop BBR intestinal retention type sustained-release pellets and evaluate their in vivo and in vitro behaviors base on the aspect of local action on intestinal tract. Here,wet milling technology is used to improve dissolution and dissolution rate of BBR by decreasing the particle size and increasing the wettability. The pellets are prepared by liquid layer deposition technology,and then the core pellets are coated with Eudragit?L30 D-55 and Eudragit?NE30 D aqueous dispersion. The prepared pellets show high drug loading capacity,and the drug loading up to 93%. Meanwhile,it possesses significant sustained drug release effect in purified water which is expected to improve the pharmacokinetic behavior of BBR. The pharmacokinetics results demonstrate that the halflife of BBR was increased significantly from 24 h to 36 h and the inter-and intra-subject variability are decreased compared to commercial BBR tablets. The retention test results indicate that the pellet size and Eudragit?NE30 D plays an important role in retention time of the pellet,and it is found that the pellets with small particle size and high Eudragit?NE30 D coating content can stay longer in the intestine than the pellets with large particle size. All in all,BBR intestinal retention type pellets are prepared successfully in this study,and the pellets show satisfactory in vivo and in vitro behaviors.


  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Materials and methods
  •   2.1. Materials
  •   2.2. Preparation of drug-loaded pellets
  •   2.3. Dissolution tests
  •   2.4. Microscope and scanning electron microscope(SEM)studies
  •   2.5. Storage stability
  •   2.6. Pharmacokinetic study
  •     2.6.1. Animals
  •     2.6.2. Study design
  •     2.6.3. Blood sampling
  •     2.6.4. UPLC-ESI-MS/MS method
  •     2.6.5. Statistical analysis
  •   2.7. Study on the retention of gastrointestinal tract in rabbits
  •     2.7.1. Animals
  •     2.7.2. Study design
  • 3. Results and discussion
  •   3.1. Result of microscope and scanning electron microscope
  •   3.2. Pretreatment of BBR on drug release
  •   3.3. Release of BBR from pellets coated with Eudragit?L30D55/NE30D
  •   3.4. Stability studies
  •   3.5. UPLC-MS/MS method validation of BBR in dog blood
  •   3.6. In vivo pharmacokinetic study in Beagles
  •   3.7. In vivo retention of gastrointestinal tract in rabbits
  • 4. Conclusions
  • Declaration of interest
  • 文章来源

    类型: 期刊论文

    作者: Guofei Li,Mingming Zhao,Xianying Su,Lin Song,Limei Zhao

    来源: Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 2019年05期

    年度: 2019

    分类: 医药卫生科技,工程科技Ⅰ辑

    专业: 有机化工,药学

    单位: Shengjing Hospital of China Medical University,Northeast Pharmaceutical Science & Technology Development Co.,Ltd.

    分类号: R943;R96

    页码: 559-568

    总页数: 10

    文件大小: 3960K

    下载量: 18


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    Preparation and in vitro-in vivo evaluation of intestinal retention pellets of Berberine chloride to enhance hypoglycemic and lipid-lowing efficacy
