Closed-loop hydrometallurgical treatment of end-of-life lithium ion batteries: Towards zero-waste process and metal recycling in advanced batteries

Closed-loop hydrometallurgical treatment of end-of-life lithium ion batteries: Towards zero-waste process and metal recycling in advanced batteries


This work presents an enhanced hydrometallurgical process for recycling lithium ion batteries. First, endof-life batteries were processed in a physical pre-treatment plant to obtain a representative electrode material. The resulting leachate was purified forth by iron-precipitation, liquid–liquid extractions, and an innovative Li–Na separation, in order to obtain valuable products. These products include high-grade graphite, cobalt oxide(Co3O4, purity 83%), cobalt oxalate(CoC2O4, purity 96%), nickel oxide(Ni O, purity89%), and lithium carbonate(Li2CO3, purity 99.8%). The recovery rate was quantitative for graphite, between 80% and 85% for cobalt depending on the nature of the recovery method, 90% for nickel, and 72%for lithium. Secondary streams were also valorized to obtain sodium sulfate(Na2SO4, purity 96%), and MnCoFe2O4 magnetic nano-sorbents according to the zero-waste concept. In order to close the loop, recycled Co3O4 and NiO were used as conversion-type anode materials for advanced lithium ion batteries showing promising performances.


  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Experimental
  •   2.1. Materials
  •   2.2. Methods
  •     2.2.1. Process scheme
  •     2.2.2. Mn-CoFe2O4synthesis
  •     2.2.3. Characterization of the products
  •     2.2.4. Re-use of metal oxides as conversion-type anode materials for advanced LIB
  • 3. Results and discussion
  •   3.1. Leaching of the black mass
  •   3.2. Purification of leachate
  •   3.3. Cobalt recovery
  •   3.4. Nickel recovery
  •   3.5. Lithium–sodium separation and recovery
  •   3.6. Nano-ferrite production
  •   3.7. Recycled Co3O4and NiO as conversion anodes for advanced LIB
  • 4. Conclusions
  • 文章来源

    类型: 期刊论文

    作者: Thomas Abo Atia,Giuseppe Elia,Robert Hahn,Pietro Altimari,Francesca Pagnanelli

    来源: Journal of Energy Chemistry 2019年08期

    年度: 2019

    分类: 工程科技Ⅰ辑

    专业: 冶金工业,环境科学与资源利用

    单位: Department of Chemistry, Sapienza University of Rome,Waste Recycling Technologies, Flemish Institute for Technological Research,Technische Universit?t Berlin, Research Center of Microperipheric Technologies,Fraunhofer-Institut für Zuverl?ssigkeit und Mikrointegration

    基金: Part of the research activities reported in this work were co-financed within European project HydroWEEE Demo “For Innovative Hydrometallurgical Processes To Recover Metals From WEEE Including Lamps And Batteries”:Demonstration(Grant agreement No.308549)

    分类号: X705;TF111.3

    页码: 220-227

    总页数: 8

    文件大小: 505K

    下载量: 20


    Closed-loop hydrometallurgical treatment of end-of-life lithium ion batteries: Towards zero-waste process and metal recycling in advanced batteries
