Evaluation of electron cyclotron current drive performance for CFETR

Evaluation of electron cyclotron current drive performance for CFETR


A number of simulations of electron cyclotron current drive(ECCD) have been carried out for the China Fusion Engineering Test Reactor(CFETR) using the C3PO/LUKE code to investigate the performance and optimize schemes of power injection for the design of the launcher.The operation ranges of the toroidal field,cutoff density,and resonance layer location are given at different source frequencies in CFETR phases Ⅰ and Ⅱ.A comparison of ECCD performance between the horizontal and top port launch is presented.ECCD efficiency(γEC) estimated for CFETR phase Ⅰ is γEC=0.21 for top port launch and γEC=0.20 for horizontal port launch.The ECCD efficiency and second-harmonic absorption is calculated at different wave frequencies(from 170 to 230 GHz) in CFETR phase II.It is found that the highest driven efficiency is obtained at 210 GHz with the toroidal field of 6.5 T,and the second-harmonic absorption increases rapidly with the increase of frequency.



类型: 期刊论文

作者: 韦维,王晓洁,李妙辉,丁伯江

来源: Plasma Science and Technology 2019年06期

年度: 2019

分类: 基础科学,工程科技Ⅱ辑

专业: 核科学技术

单位: Hefei University of Technology,Institute of Plasma Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences

基金: supported by National Key R&D Program of China (Nos. 2016YFA0400600,2016YFA0400602,2016YFA0400603,2017YFE0300500 and 2017YFE0300503),the National Magnetic Confinement Fusion Science Program of China (No. 2015GB102003),the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 11675214,11775259)

分类号: TL50

页码: 67-75

总页数: 9

文件大小: 955K

下载量: 3


Evaluation of electron cyclotron current drive performance for CFETR
