吴静[3](2018)在《岩溶隧道突水通道扩展机理、最小防突厚度及逃生路线优化研究》一文中研究指出Water(mud)inrush is one of the main geological disasters during the karst tunnel construction.The occurrence frequency and death toll caused by water(mud)inrush are both on the top levels in serious tunnel accidents at home and abroad.So in this thesis,the expansion mechanism of water inrush channel,minimum rock thickness between excavation opening and filling-type karst cave,and escape routes optimization after water inrush from the karst tunnel are systematically investigated by theoretical analysis,numerical simulation and engineering projects.Moreover,as for the Qiyueshan karst tunnel,solute transport characteristics and groundwater connection structures of karst water tracing,risk evaluation of water and mud inrush are further researched by field tests,numerical simulation,theoretical analysis and engineering application.(1)Considering the effects of water erosion,seepage force and soil cohesion,three-dimensional force analysis for the soil particle on the side wall of water inrush channel is conducted.The critical condition for incipient particle motion is established.The incipient flow velocity for sliding instability and rolling instability of the particle is deduced respectively.The criterion of incipient particle motion is proposed.The expansion mechanism of water inrush channel is revealed.The influencing factors of the incipient flow velocity are analyzed and the rules of particle loss are discussed.Finally,through the analysis of particle-fluid coupling and calculation of DEM-CFD coupling,numerical simulation for the incipient particle motion and channel expansion is implemented,and the proposed mechanism of incipient particle motion is verified.(2)Four typical karst cave locations(i.e.,at the top,bottom,lateral and front of the tunnel),two types of filled karst caves,with water and with water-mud mixture,are studied,to estimate the required thickness of supporting rock stratum in order to prevent water and mud inrush under earthquake conditions.Generalized models and computational techniques are developed for such conditions.The models consider the shear,bending and punching failures of the supporting rock stratum against the pressure from filling materials in the karst caves.Combined with quasi-static and dynamic theories,computational models are developed to estimate the minimum safety thickness of the rock stratum between the excavation opening and the filling-type karst cave.The factors governing the minimum safety thickness of the supporting rock stratum to resist water and mud inrush from the karst caves are analyzed.Finally,the theoretical models and computational methods are verified with case studies.(3)Numerical simulation of the gas-liquid two-phase flow is carried out by using the FLUENT software to probe water flow characteristics after water inrush.Eight common cases of water inrush from the working face and the floor during double-line tunnel excavation are researched.The variation rules of velocity,pressure and water volume fraction in the tunnels after water inrush are analyzed.The optimized escape routine is respectively formulated for the eight water inrush cases.The water movement laws under the conditions of different excavation situations and different water inrush positions are further discussed by comparing the above case studies.(4)The solute transport characteristics and groundwater connection structures of karst water tracing are studied by numerical simulation and field tracer tests.The simulation method of solute transport is first proposed.Then five kinds of representative geological models of karst water tracing are built,and the process of solute transport is simulated in the FLUENT software.The variation characteristics of solute transport under the conditions of straight pipeline,bend,depression,waterfall and branch pipeline are analyzed based on the simulation results.The effects of the pipeline width.flow velocity,size of the bend,depression depth,the number of bends,depressions and waterfalls,and path difference of the branch pipeline on the tracer curve are discussed.General laws of groundwater connection tracer curve are summarized.Finally,according to field test results,the groundwater connection structures are analyzed and speculated in detail by the flow velocity and local monitoring curve.(5)In order to effectively control the water and mud inrush risk and guarantee the safety of tunnel construction,an unascertained measure model of water and mud inrush risk evaluation is established based on the unascertained measure theory.First,according to geological factors and engineering factors in tunnel zone,unfavorable geology,formation lithology,ground water level,topography and geomorphology,attitude of rocks,contact zones between soluble rock and non-soluble rock,crack in rock stratum,surrounding rock grade,construction technology level,and management level are selected as risk evaluation indexes of water and mud inrush,which constitutes the index system of water and mud inrush risk evaluation.Through collecting and collating information of typical water and mud inrush examples of karst tunnels,the uncertainty measure function of each evaluation index is obtained based on the measured data.Meanwhile,the index weight of each factor is ascertained by the entropy-information theory,and the risk grade of water and mud inrush is judged by the credible degree recognition criteria.In engineering application,the water and mud inrush risk of the Qiyueshan karst tunnel is evaluated based on the established unascertained measure model.(本文来源于《山东大学》期刊2018-11-29)
[5](2018)在《厚度仅7mm世界最小饼干镜头35mm f2.7现身》一文中研究指出近日,Experimental Optics公司在众筹网站Kickstarter发起其35mm f/2.7镜头的众筹,这支镜头号称世界上最小的饼干头,从外观上来看也的确如此。镜身厚度仅7mm,重量40g,安装在微单机身上像是回到最原始素朴的状态。第一批镜头的众筹价格为1199欧元,折合人民币约9553元,预计将于2018年12月发货。除此之外,这支镜头由纯手工制成,全金属镜身采用纯黑色涂装,没有突出的部分和活动部件,图像可以覆盖全画幅,采用M39和Leica M双卡口设计,并(本文来源于《电脑知识与技术(经验技巧)》期刊2018年11期)
张骞,白松松,高昱,杜彦良,赵维刚[6](2018)在《穿越破碎带隧道掌子面力学模型及最小安全厚度研究》一文中研究指出隧道穿越断层破碎带的稳定性及安全防护问题是目前隧道建设的难点。针对隧道掌子面前方存在破碎带松散岩土体的典型工况,基于隧道围岩以及掌子面的力学特性,采用理论计算、数值模拟、工程实践相结合的手段,提出了掌子面稳定岩体的最小安全厚度计算方法,并对隧道掌子面前方破碎带的预加固及处治方案进行了探讨。首先,建立了破碎带-岩板力学模型,将掌子面的岩体等效为受荷载作用的岩板,对受破碎带压力的岩板最小安全厚度展开计算分析,得到了岩板厚度与岩层倾角、破碎带有效高度的关系表达式,并对帷幕注浆处理参数进行了优化;随后基于理论计算结果,与某隧道穿越破碎带施工中因未控制掌子面岩体厚度而导致隧道失稳的典型案例展开对比分析;最后结合Comsol Multiphysics软件开展数值仿真模拟,分析了不同岩层倾角、隧道埋深、注浆预处理参数等因素对掌子面岩板最小安全厚度的影响。结果表明:理论计算、工程实际与数值模拟结果具有较好的一致性;正常施工时掌子面最小安全岩板厚度随破碎带有效高度的增大而增大,随岩层倾角增大而减小,故应在达到安全厚度之前对破碎带进行预支护;在选用帷幕注浆方法对破碎带进行预处理时,最小安全岩板厚度随着岩层倾角的增大而减小,此时在注浆过程中需要保留较大的安全厚度,同时控制注浆压力。(本文来源于《中国公路学报》期刊2018年10期)
曹继亮[8](2018)在《隧底隐伏型溶洞顶板最小安全厚度的探讨》一文中研究指出对隧道底部隐伏型溶洞的顶板厚度进行了探讨,通过计算分析,可以得出溶洞高度对衬砌及溶洞顶板的影响很小。同时能满足"溶洞顶板塑性区域不贯通至衬砌底部"、"衬砌安全系数不小于规范值"等2个条件下,得出溶洞宽度分别为2、3、4、5、6 m的情况下,顶板厚度的最小值为2、2、3、3、4 m。对岩溶区隧道施工有一定的指导意义。(本文来源于《湖南交通科技》期刊2018年03期)