周雅盼,李娇,鲍丽,段萍,桑晓宇[1](2019)在《诺氏疟原虫疟疾诊断与治疗研究进展》一文中研究指出1 诺氏疟原虫概述疟疾是由疟原虫感染引起的,经按蚊传播的,严重危害人类健康与安全的全球性传染病。目前,疟疾、艾滋病和结核病被认为是世界上对人类危害最严重的3种传染病。诺氏疟原虫是继恶性疟原虫、叁日疟原虫、间日疟原虫、卵形疟原虫之后被发现的第5种感染人的疟原虫。1932年,诺氏疟原虫首先在食蟹猴(长尾猕猴) 的体内被发现。1965年,CHIN等[1]首次报道了人感染诺氏疟原虫的病例,但是在之后的近半个世纪鲜有新增的患者。2004年,马(本文来源于《中国兽医学报》期刊2019年09期)
王子玥,杨益超,陈智平,石云良[2](2019)在《广西某猴场诺氏疟原虫和田鼠巴贝虫感染情况调查》一文中研究指出了解广西猴类诺氏疟原虫和田鼠巴贝虫感染情况,为诺氏疟原虫和田鼠巴贝虫的防控提供依据。采集广西某猴养殖场猴血样600份,其中食蟹猴330份,猕猴270份,巢式PCR扩增田鼠巴贝虫、诺氏疟原虫的18S r RNA基因,检测感染情况。测序PCR扩增阳性产物,BLAST比对分析,鉴定虫种。结果显示,共16份血样田鼠巴贝虫扩增阳性,感染率为2.7%(16/600),其中食蟹猴13份,感染率为3.9%(13/330);猕猴3份,感染率为1.1%(3/270),差异有统计学意义(P <0.05)。4份阳性PCR产物序列与田鼠巴贝虫序列(GenBank登录号:KC904078.1)一致性最高,为99.9%。未检测到诺氏疟原虫阳性血样。广西的猴中输入性诺氏疟原虫的定殖风险较低,田鼠巴贝虫的感染率较高。(本文来源于《中国寄生虫学与寄生虫病杂志》期刊2019年04期)
潘波,裴福全,阮彩文,林荣幸,岑咏珍[4](2016)在《我国首例输入性诺氏疟原虫感染现症病例的诊断和治疗》一文中研究指出目的探讨和分析我国首例输入性诺氏疟原虫(Plasmodium knowlesi)感染现症病例的诊断和治疗。方法收集患者的临床资料,采集血样制作厚、薄血膜片,吉氏染色后镜检。提取患者血样基因组DNA,通过两轮PCR扩增疟原虫核糖体DNA(r DNA),测序后在Gen Bank数据库进行BLAST分析。结果患者于2014年10月7日从马来西亚的热带雨林旅游1周回国,2014年10月16日在广州市首次发病,出现发热、寒颤和出汗等临床症状。2014年10月26日初步诊断为疟疾并住院治疗。镜检血涂片可见典型的诺氏疟原虫形态,被寄生的红细胞体积略增大,可见大滋养体呈一环、双核,黑褐色疟色素较恶性疟原虫稍大稍粗;裂殖体内可见6~8个裂殖子,有明显的褐色疟色素。PCR扩增出与预期一致的诺氏疟原虫特异性条带,片段长1 099 bp,测序经BLAST分析,其序列与诺氏疟原虫的序列(Gen Bank登录号:AM910985.1、L07560.1和AY580317.1)一致性为99%,确诊为诺氏疟原虫感染。给予患者氯喹和伯氨喹8日治疗,于2014年10月28日出院时,再给予复方双氢青蒿素片治疗。结论根据患者的临床症状、流行病学史、实验室检测结果分析,诊断其为输入性诺氏疟原虫现症感染病例,也是广东省乃至我国首次输入性诺氏疟原虫感染病例报道。(本文来源于《中国寄生虫学与寄生虫病杂志》期刊2016年06期)
邹春燕,黄亚铭[5](2010)在《感染人类的第五种疟原虫—猴诺氏疟原虫》一文中研究指出猴诺氏疟原虫(Plasmodium Knowlesi)目前被公认是感染人类的第五种疟原虫,研究结果表明该猴疟不仅在自然的猴群中通过传疟按蚊相互传染,也可以通过传疟按蚊传染给人类,造成人-人和人-猴之间的传播〔1〕,人类同样也可以通过血液进行传染。该猴疟原(本文来源于《中国人兽共患病学报》期刊2010年05期)
伦照荣[6](2008)在《猴诺氏疟原虫(Plasmodium knowlesi)感染人的现状》一文中研究指出猴诺氏疟原虫(Plasmodium knowlesi)是寄生于旧大陆灵长类的疟原虫,其形态与人的叁日疟原虫(P.malaria)十分相似。人们一直认为除实验室感染外,自然条件下人感染诺氏(本文来源于《全国寄生虫学与热带医学学术研讨会论文集》期刊2008-10-16)
郑徽,朱淮民[10](2006)在《人体自然感染诺氏疟原虫(Plasmodium knowlesi)——形态学描述、分子鉴定和msp-1片段表达》一文中研究指出Supported by The Ministry of S&T, “Construction of the Platform of Natural Resourses”(No.2004DKA30480) LM Malaria remains one of the most devasting infectious diseases in the world. The annual case number of the disease is estimated to be 350~500 million, and it causes about 1~3 million deaths each year, most of them are children. Due to the emergence of the drug resistance of the parasite and the insecticide resistance of mosquitoes, it becomes more difficult to control malaria. Furthermore, Simian malaria parasites infecting human were reported many times,which might cause severe public health problem. Since prevention of malaria epidemics hasn't achieved tremendous success, emergence of primate malaria infection in human makes the situation even more complicated. Recently when we examine retrospectively the smears of “P. vivax” collected from Yunnan Province(the patient had spent sometimes in China-Myanmar border,logging), we found the similarity in morphology between the smears of the Yunnan patient and the naturally acquired P. knowlesi infection of human reported in Thailand, which belongs to primate malaria. P. knowlesi usually infects monkeys in nature and is shown to be infective to human occasionally from the report of oversea. It hadn't drawn much attention of scientists, because its clinic symptoms were neither specific nor severe. The morphology of P. knowlesi in human infection could not easily differentiate with other Plasmodium species, especially for atypical form of P. vivax and P.malariae. We observed all stages of the erythrocytic cycle of the parasite in Giemsa-stained blood films. Early trophozoites appeared as ring forms as early trophozoites of P. falciparum in multi-infection,except the rings were a little larger. Frequently, more than one ring forms were noted in erythrocytes and double or tri-chromatin dots were also seen. Late trophozoites were usually amoeboid, as that of P. vivax. Sometimes, the cytoplasm was compact, which occupied no more than two-third of the erythrocytes. Some late trophozoites had a trend to form “band” that are typical for P. malariae. Mature schizonts had a central cluster of 8 to 16 merozoites and did not fill the whole erythrocyte. Late trophozoites and schizonts were densely pigmented with dark brown/black malaria pigment. Gametocytes filled most part of the erythrocytes and malaria pigment was scattered. The structure of gametocytes was compatible with that of P. vivax,but smaller. From the observation above, we can't conclude which species of Plasmodium the patient was infected with. A DNA-based diagnosis with the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method targeting the small subunit ribosomal RNA (SSU rRNA) genes of two human malaria species and P. knowlesi was introduced. The blood films were scraped using a clean blade. All the films were incubated overnight at 37℃ and extracted with pheonl-chlorolform and DNA was precipitated with isopropanol. Using primers targeting SSU rRNA of different Plasmodium species, the extacted DNA was amplified by PCR with different primes for P.falciparum, P.vivax and P. knowlesi,respectively. The primer pair specific for P. knowlesi produced a single fragment of 150 bp. The amplified fragments were digested by endonuclease, cloned into T-vector, and then transformed into E. coli XL-10. Analysis of sequences showed that the amplified fragment was identical to the sequence of P. knowlesi. This result confirmed that the patient was infected with P. knowlesi, not P. vivax. A pair of primer was designed according to the reported msp-1 partial sequence of P. knowlesi. The partial msp-1 encoding gene was amplified by PCR from the extracted DNA. The amplified fragments were digested by endonuclease, cloned into pET-32a vector, and then transformed into E. coli XL-10. Analysis of sequences showed that the partial msp-1 gene was identical to the sequence of P. knowlesi, which was deposited in the GenBank previously. The recombinant plasmid pET-32a/msp-1 was transformed into E. coli BL21(DE3), and then the positive recombinant clone was expressed by induction with IPTG. The expressed E. coli BL21(DE3) was analyzed by SDS-PAGE gel electrophoresis. A 31 kDa fusion protein band could be discerned. E. coli BL21(DE3) containing recombinant msp-1 was disintegrated with supersonic, then centrifuged. SDS-PAGE gel electrophoresis showed that the msp-1 is expressed in E. coli as precipitation. The protein was purified by Ni-NTA affinity chromatography column. Western blot result showed that the purified protein could react with the blood serum from the patient infected with P.falciparum and its molecular weight accorded with the theoretical expectation. This is the first report of naturally human infection of P. knowlesi in China,and also established the basis for molecular diagnosis and differentiation of Plasmodium species. Further working idea for identifying the P. vivax multinucleatum, and the importance of human infection of simian malaria are discussed.(本文来源于《国际医学寄生虫病杂志》期刊2006年01期)
了解广西猴类诺氏疟原虫和田鼠巴贝虫感染情况,为诺氏疟原虫和田鼠巴贝虫的防控提供依据。采集广西某猴养殖场猴血样600份,其中食蟹猴330份,猕猴270份,巢式PCR扩增田鼠巴贝虫、诺氏疟原虫的18S r RNA基因,检测感染情况。测序PCR扩增阳性产物,BLAST比对分析,鉴定虫种。结果显示,共16份血样田鼠巴贝虫扩增阳性,感染率为2.7%(16/600),其中食蟹猴13份,感染率为3.9%(13/330);猕猴3份,感染率为1.1%(3/270),差异有统计学意义(P <0.05)。4份阳性PCR产物序列与田鼠巴贝虫序列(GenBank登录号:KC904078.1)一致性最高,为99.9%。未检测到诺氏疟原虫阳性血样。广西的猴中输入性诺氏疟原虫的定殖风险较低,田鼠巴贝虫的感染率较高。