Multi-year assessment of paralytic shellfish toxins in hard clam species along the coastline of Jiangsu Province, China

Multi-year assessment of paralytic shellfish toxins in hard clam species along the coastline of Jiangsu Province, China


Paralytic shellfish toxins(PSTs) are notorious neurotoxins that threaten public health and food safety worldwide.Although PST monitoring programs have recently been established throughout China, the profiles and variation of PSTs in important commercial clams(e.g., Mactra veneriformis, Ruditapes philippinarum, and Meretrix meretrix) along the Jiangsu Province coastline remain largely unexplored. In this study, a validated hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry(HILIC-MS/MS) method was used to examine PST profiles and levels in 540 clam samples from natural production areas along Jiangsu Province coastline during2014–2016. Although the PST levels(≤6.38 μg saxitotoxin equivalents(eq)/kg) were consistently below European Union regulatory limits(≤800 μg saxitotoxin eq/kg) during this time period, saxitotoxin, decarbamoylsaxitotoxin,and gonyautoxins 1 and 4 were detected, and nearly 40% of the samples were saxitotoxin-positive. The PST levels also varied significantly by seasons, with peak values observed in May during 2014–2016. This is the first systematic report of PSTs in clams from Jiangsu Province, and additional research and protective measures are needed to ensure the safety of clams harvested in this area.



类型: 期刊论文

作者: Xinzhi Wang,Hao Wu,Ying Cheng,Hongmei Wen,Rui Liu,Libao Wang,Chenxiao Shan,Chuan Chai

来源: Acta Oceanologica Sinica 2019年02期

年度: 2019

分类: 基础科学,工程科技Ⅰ辑

专业: 轻工业手工业

单位: School of Pharmacy,Nanjing University of Chinese Medicines,Marine Drug Research and Development Center of Jiangsu Province,Marine Fisheries Research Institute of Jiangsu

基金: The Public Science and Technology Research Funds Projects of Ocean under contract Nos 201305007 and 201405017

分类号: TS254.7

页码: 24-33

总页数: 10

文件大小: 797K

下载量: 25


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Multi-year assessment of paralytic shellfish toxins in hard clam species along the coastline of Jiangsu Province, China
