




  • 摘要
  • Abbreviations
  • Chapter1 Introduction
  •   1.1 GacS/GacA,two component system
  •   1.2 Pseudomonas stutzeri A1501
  •   1.3 Signaling pathway and its role with GacS/GacA two component system in Pseudomonas
  •   1.4 Native and synthetic gene regulation to nitrogen limitation stress
  •   1.5 Role of sigma factors and its importance in stress
  •   1.6 Research plan
  • Chapter2 Demonstrating gacS and gacA activity during different abiotic conditions in Pseudomonas stutzeri A1501
  •   2.1 Introduction
  •   2.2 Methods and material
  •     2.2.1 Bacterial strains,culture media and growth condition:
  •     2.2.2 Analysis at abiotic stress
  •     2.2.3 Nitrogenase activity assays
  •     2.2.4 Quantitative real-time qRT-PCR analysis
  •   2.3 Results
  •     2.3.1 Effect of high osmolarty
  •     2.3.2 Effect of nitrogen starvation on biofilm formation
  •     2.3.3 Effect of low pH
  •     2.3.4 Effect of extreme temperature
  •   2.4 Biofilm formation at different oxygen levels
  •   2.5 Nitrogenase activity different oxygen concentrations
  •   2.6 Conclusion
  • Chapter3 The effect of mutation of anr gene on nitrogen fixation and biofilm formation in Pseudomonas stutzeri A1501 at low levels of oxygen
  •   3.1 Introduction
  •   3.2 Method and Materials
  •     3.2.1 Bacterial strains,culture media,plasmids and growth condition
  •     3.2.2 Growth curve analysis
  •     3.2.3 Oxidative stress analysis:
  •     3.2.4 Estimation of biofilm formation
  •     3.2.5 Nitrogenase activity assays
  •     3.2.6 Quantitative Real-Time PCR analysis
  •   3.3 Results
  •   3.4 Construction of anr insertional mutant
  •     Amplification for anr region of gene for insertion mutation
  •   3.5 pJET assembly of gene:
  •   3.6 JET plasmid transformed in E.coli:
  •   3.7 Formation of pK-18 mob with anr plasmid and transformation in E.coli
  •   3.8 Colony PCR
  •   3.9 Tri-parental mating or Conjugation:
  •     3.9.1 Pre-cultures
  •     3.9.2 Conjugation
  •   3.10 Construction of dnr insertional mutant
  •     3.10.1 Amplification for dnr region of gene for insertion mutation
  •     3.10.2 Ligating the plasmid pK-18 mob with dnr fragment
  •   3.11 Tri-parental mating or conjugation:
  •     3.11.1 Pre-cultures
  •     3.11.2 Conjugation
  •   3.12 Complimentary Mutant formation:
  •     3.12.1 Cutting the Plasmid using restriction enzymes:
  •     3.12.2 Ligating the plasmid pLAFR-3 with anr and dnr gene
  •     3.12.3 Escherichia coli transformation:
  •     3.12.4 Colony PCR
  •     3.12.5 Pre-cultures
  •     3.12.6 Conjugation
  •   3.13 Bioinformatics Analysis
  •     3.13.1 Growth curve analysis
  •     3.13.2 Effect of different oxygen concentration on gacS,gacA and anr
  •   3.14 Oxidative stress analysis:
  •   3.15 Studying biofilm dispersal of anr and dnr genes
  •     Test tube Biofilm formation
  •     Relative qRT-PCR analysis for biofilm formation
  •   3.16 Nitrogenase activity anr and dnr genes
  •   3.17 Relative qRT-PCR analysis for nitrogenase activity
  •   3.18 Conclusion
  • Chapter4 Functional and regulatory characterization of GacS/GacA two component system in plant associated microorganism Pseudomonas stutzeri A1501
  •   4.1 Introduction
  •   4.2 Materials and Method
  •     4.2.1 Bacterial strains,culture media,plasmids and growth condition
  •     4.2.2 Strains and plasmids
  •     4.2.3 Medium
  •     4.2.4 Enzymes and chemical reagents
  •     4.2.5 Major instruments
  •     4.2.6 Commonly used solution and antibiotics
  •   4.3 Experimental methods
  •     Extraction of bacterial plasmid DNA
  •     4.3.1 Isolation of Pseudomonas stutzeri A1501 genome:
  •     4.3.2 PCR amplification of genes
  •   4.4 Colony PCR
  •   4.5 Extraction of DNA from gel
  •   4.6 Tri-parental mating or conjugation
  •     4.6.1 Pre-cultures
  •     4.6.2 Conjugation
  •   4.7 Selection of the first recombination event
  •   4.8 Selection of the second recombination event
  •   4.9 Complimentary mutant formation
  •     4.9.0 Amplification of the gene of interest
  •     4.9.1 Cutting the plasmid using restriction enzymes
  •     4.9.2 Ligating the plasmid pLAFR-3 with gacS and gacA gene
  •     4.9.3 Escherichia coli transformation
  •     4.9.4 Colony PCR
  •     4.9.5 Pre-cultures
  •     4.9.6 Conjugation
  •   4.10 Construction of double mutant(ΔgacS/ ΔgacA mutant)
  •   4.11 Extraction Of bacterial total RNA
  •   4.12 cDNA reverse transcription synthesis
  •   4.13 Growth curve analysis
  •     4.13.1 Analysis at abiotic stress using96 well plate for estimation of biofilm formation
  •     4.13.2 Nitrogenase activity assays
  •     4.13.3 Quantitative real-time qRT-PCR analysis
  •   4.14 Fluorescence real-time quantitative PCR
  •   4.15 Probe design principles
  •   4.16 Results
  •     4.16.1 Ligating the up and down regulation gene of gacS with gmR(gentamycin resistant gene)
  •     4.16.2 Ligating the plasmid pK18 mob-sacB with up and down regulatory gene of gacS with gmR(gentamycin resistant gene)
  •   4.17 Tri-parental mating or conjugation
  •     4.17.1 After first cross
  •     4.17.2 After second cross
  •   4.18 Complimentary mutant formation:
  •     Amplification of the gene of interest
  •     Transformation of pLAFR-3 along with gacS gene in E.coli
  •   4.19 Construction of double mutant(ΔgacS/ ΔgacA mutant)
  •     Relative qRT-PCR analysis for nitrogenase activity
  •   4.20 Bioinformatics Analysis:
  •   4.21 Growth curve analysis
  •   4.22 Effect of different abiotic stress on biofilm formation
  •   4.23 Effect of nitrogen starvation condition
  •   4.24 Effect of low pH
  •   4.25 Effect of temperature
  •   4.26 Nitrogenase activity
  •   4.27 Biofilm formation
  •   4.28 Conclusion
  • Chapter5 Transcriptome analysis of gacA mutant in Pseudomonas stutzeri A1501 during normal growth curve
  •   5.1 Introduction
  •   5.2 Method and Materials:
  •     5.2.1 Bacterial strains,culture media,plasmids and growth condition
  •     5.2.2 Growth curve analysis
  •     5.2.3 Sample collection
  •     5.2.4 RNA isolation
  •     5.2.5 RNA deep seq data analysis
  •   5.3 Results
  •     5.3.1 Influence of gacA inactivation on transcriptome profile
  •     5.3.2 gacA targets involved in primary metabolism and energy metabolism
  •     5.3.3 Total number of sRNA:
  •   5.4 Conclusion:
  • Discussion
  •   Role of sRNA in stress condition
  • Reference
  • Appendix
  •   Personal Profile
  •   Academic Qualification
  •   Award and Fellowship
  •   Research Publication
  •   Thesis titled
  • 文章来源

    类型: 博士论文

    作者: Muhammad Ali Rasheed

    导师: 林敏

    关键词: 施氏假单胞菌,双组分调控系统,生物固氮,生物膜形成,转录组分析

    来源: 中国农业科学院

    年度: 2019

    分类: 基础科学

    专业: 生物学,生物学

    单位: 中国农业科学院

    分类号: Q933

    总页数: 141

    文件大小: 6945K

    下载量: 224


    标签:;  ;  ;  ;  ;  

