The impact of connate water saturation and salinity on oil recovery and CO2 storage capacity during carbonated water injection in carbonate rock

The impact of connate water saturation and salinity on oil recovery and CO2 storage capacity during carbonated water injection in carbonate rock


Carbonated water injection(CWI) is known as an efficient technique for both CO2 storage and enhanced oil recovery(EOR). During CWI process, CO2 moves from the water phase into the oil phase and results in oil swelling. This mechanism is considered as a reason for EOR. Viscous fingering leading to early breakthrough and leaving a large proportion of reservoir un-swept is known as an unfavorable phenomenon during flooding trials. Generally, instability at the interface due to disturbances in porous medium promotes viscous fingering phenomenon. Connate water makes viscous fingers longer and more irregular consisting of large number of tributaries leading to the ultimate oil recovery reduction. Therefore, higher in-situ water content can worsen this condition. Besides, this water can play as a barrier between oil and gas phases and adversely affect the gas diffusion, which results in EOR reduction. On the other hand, from gas storage point of view, it should be noted that CO2 solubility is not the same in the water and oil phases. In this study for a specified water salinity, the effects of different connate water saturations(Swc) on the ultimate oil recovery and CO2 storage capacity during secondary CWI are being presented using carbonate rock samples from one of Iranian carbonate oil reservoir. The results showed higher oil recovery and CO2 storage in the case of lower connate water saturation, as 14% reduction of Swc resulted in 20% and 16% higher oil recovery and CO2 storage capacity, respectively.



类型: 期刊论文

作者: Mahmood Shakiba,Masoud Riazi,Shahab Ayatollahi,Mostafa Takband

来源: Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering 2019年07期

年度: 2019

分类: 工程科技Ⅰ辑

专业: 石油天然气工业

单位: Department of Petroleum Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology,Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) Research Centre, IOR/EOR Research Institute, Shiraz University,Petroleum Engineering Department, School of Chemical and Petroleum Eng., Shiraz University,School of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, Sharif University of Technology

分类号: TE357

页码: 1699-1707

总页数: 9

文件大小: 644K

下载量: 3


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The impact of connate water saturation and salinity on oil recovery and CO2 storage capacity during carbonated water injection in carbonate rock
