


Lopez,C,Borel,L,Magnan,J,Lacour,M.,张磊[1](2006)在《单侧前庭功能丧失后的扭转视动性眼球震颤的非对称功能及代偿作用》一文中研究指出The aim of this study was to analyse torsional optokinetic nystagmus (tOKN) in 17 patients with Menière’s disease before and after (1 week, 1 month and 3 months)-a curative unilateral vestibular neurotomy (UVN). The tOKN was investigated during optokinetic stimulations around the line of sight directed towards either the lesioned or the healthy side, at various constant angular velocities. Dynamic properties of tOKN and static ocular cyclotorsion were analysed using videonystagmography. Patients’performances were compared with those of 10 healthy subjects. The results indicate that, in the acute stage after UVN, patients exhibited drastic impairment of tOKN velocity that depended on the direction of stimulation: tOKN velocity increased for ipsilesional stimulations and decreased for contralesional stimulations. These changes were responsible for a dramatic tOKN asymmetry, with ipsilesional directional preponderance of torsional slow-phase eye velocity. The changes were associated with static ocular cyclotorsion towards the operated side. Despite progressive compensation of tOKN deficits over time, tOKN velocity still differed from that recorded preoperatively, and tOKN asymmetry remained uncompensated 3 months after UVN. A static ocular cyclotorsion remained up to 3 months after lesion. These results are the first description of tOKN deficits and recovery after unilateral vestibular loss. They show that vestibular cues contribute to gaze stabilization during optokinetic stimulation around the line of sight. They also strongly suggest that tOKN impairment could be part of the longterm asymmetrical functions reported after unilateral loss of vestibular functions.(本文来源于《世界核心医学期刊文摘.眼科学分册》期刊2006年03期)

Garbutt,S,,Riley,D,E[2](2005)在《进行性核上性麻痹患者视动性眼球震颤异常》一文中研究指出Objectives: To measure vertical and horizontal responses to optokinetic (OK) s timulation and investigate directional abnormalities of quick phases in progress ive supranuclear palsy (PSP). Methods: Saccades and OK nystagmus were studied in six PSP patients, five with Parkinsons disease (PD), and 10 controls. The OK stimulus subtended 72°horizontally, 60°vertically, consisted of black and whit e stripes, and moved at 10-50°/s. Results: All PSP patients showed slowed volu ntary vertical saccades and nystagmus quick phases compared with PD or controls. Small, paired, horizontal saccadic intrusions (SWJ) were more frequent and larg er in PSP during fixation. Vertical saccades were transiently faster at the time of SWJ and horizontal saccades in PSP. During vertical OK nystagmus, small quic k phases were often combined with horizontal SWJ in all subjects; in PSP the vec tor was closer to horizontal. Vertical OK slow phase gain was reduced in PSP but , in most PD patients, was similar to normals. The average position of gaze shif ted in the direction of vertical OK stimulus in PSP patients with preserved slow phase responses but impaired quick phases. Conclusions: Vertical OK responses i n PSP show impaired slow phase responses, and quick phases that are slowed and c ombined with SWJ to produce an oblique vector. SWJ facilitate vertical saccades and quick phases in PSP, but it is unclear whether this is an adaptive process o r a result of the disease. A large OK stimulus is useful to induce responses tha t can be quantitatively analysed in patients with limited voluntary range of ver tical gaze.(本文来源于《世界核心医学期刊文摘(神经病学分册)》期刊2005年02期)

Garbutt,S,,Riley,D,E[3](2005)在《进行性核上性麻痹所致视动性眼球震颤的异常表现》一文中研究指出Objectives: To measure vertical and horizontal responses to optokinetic (OK) s timulation and investigate directional abnormalities of quick phases in progress ive supranuclear palsy (PSP). Methods: Saccades and OK nystagmus were studied in six PSP patients, five with Parkinson's disease (PD), and 10 controls. The OK stimulus subtended 72°horizontally, 60°vertically, consisted of black and whit e stripes, and moved at 10-50°/s. Results: All PSP patients showed slowed volu ntary vertical saccades and nystagmus quick phases compared with PD or controls. Small, paired, horizontal saccadic intrusions (SWJ) were more frequent and larg er in PSP during fixation. Vertical saccades were transiently faster at the time of SWJ and horizontal saccades in PSP. During vertical OK nystagmus, small quic k phases were often combined with horizontal SWJ in all subjects; in PSP the vec tor was closer to horizontal. Vertical OK slow phase gain was reduced in PSP but , in most PD patients, was similar to normals. The average position of gaze shif ted in the direction of vertical OK stimulus in PSP patients with preserved slow phase responses but impaired quick phases. Conclusions: Vertical OK responses i n PSP show impaired slow phase responses, and quick phases that are slowed and c ombined with SWJ to produce an oblique vector. SWJ facilitate vertical saccades and quick phases in PSP, but it is unclear whether this is an adaptive process o r a result of the disease. A large OK stimulus is useful to induce responses tha t can be quantitatively analysed in patients with limited voluntary range of ver tical gaze.(本文来源于《世界核心医学期刊文摘.眼科学分册》期刊2005年02期)

孙文智[4](2004)在《1、小鼠视网膜神经节细胞形态学分类的研究 2、家兔视网膜方向选择性神经节细胞的生理和药理特性和视动震颤关系的研究》一文中研究指出我们用“DiOListic”方法标记小鼠视网膜的铺片标本,收集了有 520 个神经节细胞进行照相和测量,并根据它们的形态学特性进行了分类。用基因枪把包被有脂溶性染料 DiI 的钨颗粒发射到视网膜的铺片标本中,当这些颗粒接触到的细胞膜时细胞的形态就会被完整地显示出来。在实验中,我们测量和计算了这些神经节细胞的胞体大小、树突野大小和树突在 IPL中分枝层次。根据测量结果以及细胞树突的分枝模式,我们把 520 个神经节细胞被分为四个大类。其中树突分枝是单层有叁个大类:有大细胞体和大树突野的 A 类、有相对较小细胞体和树突野的 B 类以及较小细胞体和相对较大树突野的 C 类细胞。树突丛分是双层的细胞被定义为 D类。这项研究是迄今为止对小鼠视网膜神经节细胞的形态学最为详尽的研究,也为进一步研究基因改变的小鼠视网膜的形态学性质和生理功能提供了一个基础。(本文来源于《中国科学院研究生院(上海生命科学研究院)》期刊2004-07-01)




杨东生[8](1997)在《视动震颤(Optokinetic Nystagmus)与双眼视功能》一文中研究指出视动震颤(OKN)反应与双眼视功能密切相关:1.双眼视功能异常者OKN反应以方向性不对称为特点,其机制可能是OKN传导通路上视皮层双眼细胞发育异常。2.OKN反应的双眼交替与双眼竞争可能受同一神经机制的控制。3.动态随机点立体图刺激及双眼融合参与下的OKN反应,是判断双眼视功能的有效方法。4.开环OKN方法由于消除了负反馈作用的影响并可对不同部位视网膜刺激,故有较好的应用前景。(本文来源于《眼科研究》期刊1997年01期)








Objectives: To measure vertical and horizontal responses to optokinetic (OK) s timulation and investigate directional abnormalities of quick phases in progress ive supranuclear palsy (PSP). Methods: Saccades and OK nystagmus were studied in six PSP patients, five with Parkinsons disease (PD), and 10 controls. The OK stimulus subtended 72°horizontally, 60°vertically, consisted of black and whit e stripes, and moved at 10-50°/s. Results: All PSP patients showed slowed volu ntary vertical saccades and nystagmus quick phases compared with PD or controls. Small, paired, horizontal saccadic intrusions (SWJ) were more frequent and larg er in PSP during fixation. Vertical saccades were transiently faster at the time of SWJ and horizontal saccades in PSP. During vertical OK nystagmus, small quic k phases were often combined with horizontal SWJ in all subjects; in PSP the vec tor was closer to horizontal. Vertical OK slow phase gain was reduced in PSP but , in most PD patients, was similar to normals. The average position of gaze shif ted in the direction of vertical OK stimulus in PSP patients with preserved slow phase responses but impaired quick phases. Conclusions: Vertical OK responses i n PSP show impaired slow phase responses, and quick phases that are slowed and c ombined with SWJ to produce an oblique vector. SWJ facilitate vertical saccades and quick phases in PSP, but it is unclear whether this is an adaptive process o r a result of the disease. A large OK stimulus is useful to induce responses tha t can be quantitatively analysed in patients with limited voluntary range of ver tical gaze.




















[8].杨东生.视动震颤(Optokinetic Nystagmus)与双眼视功能[J].眼科研究.1997





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