Fine structure of the cocoon silk scaffolds in the wolf spider Pardosa laura

Fine structure of the cocoon silk scaffolds in the wolf spider Pardosa laura


<正>Spider silk has excellent biomechanical properties for tissue engineering materials.Therefore, we demonstrate here the fine structural characteristics of the cocoon silk scaffolds to provide a basis of future application for silk-based scaffold that supports biomaterial sciences. The cocoon silk of the wolf spider P. laura are composed of primarily



类型: 国际会议

作者: Yan Sun,Bon-Jin Ku,Seung-Min Lee,Myung-Jin Moon

来源: The 11th International Symposium of Integrative Zoology(ISIZ) 2019-12-02

年度: 2019

分类: 基础科学

专业: 生物学

单位: Department of Biological Sciences, Dankook University

分类号: Q959.226

DOI: 10.26914/c.cnkihy.2019.004696

页码: 73

总页数: 1

文件大小: 742k

下载量: 9


Fine structure of the cocoon silk scaffolds in the wolf spider Pardosa laura
