陈俊[1](2001)在《技术入股与技术原始股值估价模型研究》一文中研究指出With the development of technologic achievement commoditilized and prosperity oftechnology market, Technologic Achievement Capitalized plays an important role in practice assignificant way to combine technology with productive forces. Because Technologic AchievementCapitalized in China is in trades till now academic circles have not put forward and unified andauthoritative theory system, so the research on Technologic Achievement Capitalized is urgent.This paper adopt qualitative and quantitative way, give a definition and characterizes;analyse the condition, mechanism and patterns of Technologic Achievement Capitalized; inaddition, elaborate Evaluation of Technology Capital, hope this paper will give to thedevelopment of Technologic Achievement Capitalized in China. At last, this paper discuss thecurrent situation, diffcuties of Technologic Achievement Capitalized in China, and give someconcrete suggestions which are in accordance with our circumstance.(本文来源于《西安建筑科技大学》期刊2001-02-01)