230 MeV Superconducting Proton Cyclotron Induced High Voltage Test of Electrostatic Deflection Plate

230 MeV Superconducting Proton Cyclotron Induced High Voltage Test of Electrostatic Deflection Plate


<正>The 230 MeV superconducting proton cyclotron uses resonance precession plus an electrostatic deflector and a magnetic channel extraction method.In May 2019,the processing of 230 MeV superconducting proton cyclotron electrostatically led deflectors was completed.The processed parts include two sets of deflectors and a total of four electrodes.There are two types of electrodes,and they are titanium and aluminum.



类型: 期刊论文

作者: LIU Zhenwei,LI Shiqiang,GE Tao,CUI Tao,LI Ming,FU Zhenhui

来源: Annual Report of China Institute of Atomic Energy 2019年00期

年度: 2019

分类: 工程科技Ⅱ辑

专业: 核科学技术

单位: Research and Design Center for Cyclotron

分类号: TL542

页码: 219-220

总页数: 2

文件大小: 124K


230 MeV Superconducting Proton Cyclotron Induced High Voltage Test of Electrostatic Deflection Plate
