Analysis of optical properties of bio-smoke materials in the 0.25–14 μm band

Analysis of optical properties of bio-smoke materials in the 0.25–14 μm band


At present, research into optical properties of bio-smoke materials mostly concentrates on single band or single germplasm. Herein, we measured the spectral reflectance of three eukaryotic bio-smoke materials and three prokaryotic bio-smoke materials in the waveband from 0.25 μm to 14μm. Based on the Kramers-Kroning algorithm, the complex refractive index m(λ) was calculated and the Fourier-transform infrared(FTIR) spectra of materials were analyzed. The results show that n(λ) of bio-smoke materials varies between 1.1-2, and n(λ) values in the visible light to near-infrared wavebands are significantly larger than those in other wavebands. The k(λ) of bio-smoke materials varies between 0-0.4.At 6-6.5 μm, k(λ) of prokaryotic materials is 3 times that of eukaryotic materials, which is caused by C=O stretching vibration of amide I and C-N stretching vibration of amide Ⅱ in proteins. At 2.5-3 μm and 9.75 μm, k(λ) values of eukaryotic bio-smoke materials are nearly 2 times that of prokaryotic ones. The absorption peak at 2.5-3 μm is mainly triggered by C-H stretching vibration in lipid and O-H stretching vibration in bound water. The absorption peak at 9.75 μm is mainly caused by symmetric stretching vibration of PO2-in nucleic acids.



类型: 期刊论文

作者: 赵欣颖,胡以华,顾有林,陈曦,王新宇,王鹏,董骁

来源: Chinese Physics B 2019年03期

年度: 2019

分类: 基础科学,工程科技Ⅰ辑

专业: 材料科学

单位: State Key Laboratory of Pulsed Power Laser Technology,National University of Defense Technology,Anhui Province Key Laboratory of Electronic Restriction,National University of Defense Technology,Key Laboratory of Ion Beam Bioengineering,Hefei Institutes of Physical Science,Chinese Academy of Sciences

基金: supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.61271353 and 60908033),the Natural Science Foundation of Anhui Province,China(Grant No.1408085MKL47)

分类号: TB30

页码: 168-174

总页数: 7

文件大小: 1432K

下载量: 27


Analysis of optical properties of bio-smoke materials in the 0.25–14 μm band
