Urban forest parks are open parks based on natural countryside, which can be used for outdoor sports, leisure and recreation, popular science education and other activities. The trail is a pedestrian road connecting various landscape points in the park. It not only has directional and traffic functions, but also is the most effective means for the organization of the whole park. Taking Yaohu Country Forest Park in Nanchang City as an example, this study analyzed and discussed the design of trails and landscapes.
1 Overview of Yaohu Country Forest Park Project in Nanchang City2 Traffic system of Yaohu Country Forest Park 2.1 Road level 2.2 Line design3 Trail design and landscape space construction of Yaohu Country Forest Park 3.1 Hard environment of the trail 3.1.1 Plants. 3.1.2 Landscapes. 3.1.3 Architecture. 3.1.4 Facilities. 3.2 Configuration and morphology of plants along trails 3.2.1 Rational construction of plant commun-ities. 3.2.2 The influence of plant morphology on landscape design. 3.3 The form and aesthetic treatment of trail design 3.3.1 Garden path. 3.3.2 Waterfront trail treatment. 3.4 Landscape node in trail area 3.4.1“Golden coast”and moon bay beach. 3.4.2 Yaohu Study. 3.5 Functionality and promotion space of trail landscape 3.5.1 Basic facilities. 3.5.2 Intel igent management.4 Conclusions
类型: 期刊论文
作者: KUANG Ye
来源: Journal of Landscape Research 2019年06期
年度: 2019
分类: 工程科技Ⅱ辑,农业科技
专业: 建筑科学与工程
单位: College of Construction,Jiangxi Normal University
分类号: TU986.52
DOI: 10.16785/j.issn1943-989x.2019.6.005
页码: 17-20
总页数: 4
文件大小: 723K
下载量: 142
Landscape Planning and Design of Urban Forest Park Trails: A Case Study of Yaohu Country Forest Park in Nanchang City