Dynamic Monte Carlo Simulation on Polymerization of Encapsulant

Dynamic Monte Carlo Simulation on Polymerization of Encapsulant


Based on the preparative experiments of the light-emitting diode(LED) encapsulant, three types of monomer models with different functional groups are carried out to study the polymerization process by dynamic Monte Carlo(DMC) simulation and bond fluctuation model(BFM). We calculate the degree of polymerization, the radius of gyration and the frequency of void spheres to discuss the polymerization process, the molecular size and the spatial distribution at different volume fractions and proportions. Our results are in agreement with Grest’s decay rate and Flory’s scale law. Simulations show that the polymerization process depends on the appropriate volume fraction and proportion exceedingly, and the volume contraction in the polymerization process can also be observed in this study.These investigations could provide some insights into the understanding of the polymerization process of the encapsulant and help us to adjust the parameters in later experiments.



类型: 期刊论文

作者: Jin Chen,Jiong-Hua Xiang

来源: Chinese Journal of Polymer Science 2019年02期

年度: 2019

分类: 工程科技Ⅰ辑

专业: 化学

单位: Department of Physics, Research Institute for Soft Matter and Biominetics, Xiamen University,Department of Chemical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

分类号: O631.5

页码: 157-163

总页数: 7

文件大小: 927K

下载量: 12


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Dynamic Monte Carlo Simulation on Polymerization of Encapsulant
