Design and control of the gas diffusion process in a nanoporous soft crystal

Design and control of the gas diffusion process in a nanoporous soft crystal


<正>Dr.Gu Cheng(顾成),Dr.Nobuhiko Hosono and Prof.Susumu Kitagawa at Kyoto University(Dr.Gu Cheng is the first author of this work,and he is currently a full professor in the State Key Laboratory of Luminescent Materials and Devices,South China University of Technology)reported recently on the design and control of the gas diffusion process in a nanoporous soft crystal,which was published in Science



类型: 期刊论文

来源: Science Foundation in China 2019年01期

年度: 2019

分类: 基础科学,工程科技Ⅰ辑

专业: 材料科学

分类号: TB383.4

页码: 9

总页数: 1

文件大小: 1243K

下载量: 18


Design and control of the gas diffusion process in a nanoporous soft crystal
