Reduced-order design of Robust H∞ Controller for an Inertial Stabilized Aerial Platform

Reduced-order design of Robust H∞ Controller for an Inertial Stabilized Aerial Platform


The uncertainty disturbance is one of the main disturbances that seriously influences the stabilization precision of an aerial inertially stabilized platform(ISP) system.In this paper,to improve the stabilization precision of the ISP under disturbance uncertainty,a robust H∞ controller is designed in this paper.Then,the reduction order is carried out for high-order controllers generated by the robust H∞ loop shaping control method.The application of the minimum implementation and balanced truncation algorithm in controller reduction is discussed.First,the principle of reduced order of minimum implementation and balanced truncation are analyzed.Then,the method is used to reduce the order of the high-order robust H∞ loop shaping controller.Finally,the method is analyzed and verified by the simulations and experiments.The results show that by the reduced-order method of minimum implementation and balanced truncation,the stabilization precision of the robust H∞ loop shaping controller is increased by about 10%.



类型: 期刊论文

作者: Xiangyang ZHOU,Yuqian LI,Chao YANG

来源: Instrumentation 2019年03期

年度: 2019

分类: 工程科技Ⅱ辑,信息科技

专业: 航空航天科学与工程

单位: School of Instrumentation and Optoeletronic Engineering,Beihang University(BUAA),Beijing Academy of Quantum Information Sciences

基金: supported in part by the Beijing Natural Science Foundation(Grant No.3182021),National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.51775017),Research Project of Beijing Academy of Quantum Information Sciences(Grant No.Y18G30),the Open Research Fund of the State Key Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems Engineering(Grant No.sklms2018005)

分类号: V249.1

DOI: 10.15878/j.cnki.instrumentation.2019.03.002

页码: 2-9

总页数: 8

文件大小: 1132K

下载量: 2


Reduced-order design of Robust H∞ Controller for an Inertial Stabilized Aerial Platform
