Synthesis of Alkyne-functionalized Polymers via Living Anionic Polymerization and Investigation of Features during the Post-“thiol-yne” Click Reaction

Synthesis of Alkyne-functionalized Polymers via Living Anionic Polymerization and Investigation of Features during the Post-“thiol-yne” Click Reaction


"Thiol-yne" click reaction has already been widely applied in synthesis and modification of new polymer structures or novel materials due to its specific features. However, in most studies, only chain-end strategy was employed when using the di-addition feature of thiol-yne reaction, thus the in-chain di-addition strategy could endow us with a broader space to develop the synthesis of advanced polymers. Therefore, in this paper, the features of in-chain mono-and di-addition were investigated when modifying the alkynefunctionalized polymers to prepare grafted polymers via thiol-yne click reaction. The results showed that it is almost impossible to obtain the in-chain di-adducts even under excess feeding of chain-end thiol-functionalized grafts, while only the in-chain mono-adducts could be obtained efficiently. Further researches investigated that the controlled grafting could be encountered when carrying out the thiol-yne click reaction between chain-end alkyne-functionalized polystyrenes and chain-end thiol-functionalized polystyrenes under proper feedings.Therefore, the effect of steric-hindrance might be the primary reason for the alternative grafting via thiol-yne click reaction between inchain and chain-end alkyne-functionalized polymers.



类型: 期刊论文

作者: Lin-Can Yang,Li Han,Hong-Wei Ma,Pi-Bo Liu,He-Yu Shen,Chao Li,Song-Bo Zhang,Yang Li

来源: Chinese Journal of Polymer Science 2019年09期

年度: 2019

分类: 工程科技Ⅰ辑

专业: 有机化工

单位: Department of Polymer Science and Engineering, School of Chemical Engineering, Dalian University of Technology

基金: financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 21871037,21674017,andU1508204)

分类号: TQ317

页码: 841-850

总页数: 10

文件大小: 6578K

下载量: 9


Synthesis of Alkyne-functionalized Polymers via Living Anionic Polymerization and Investigation of Features during the Post-“thiol-yne” Click Reaction
