Abstract摘要Chapter 1 : Introduction 1.1 Generalities on Transportation 1.1.1 Transportation in the logistic chain 1.1.2 Transportation of Perishable Food 1.2 Research approach 1.3 Context of this study 1.4 Aims and objectives 1.5 Content and structureChapter 2 : Literature review 2.1 The Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) 2.1.1 Exact algorithms: 2.1.2 Heuristic algorithms: 2.2 The Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) 2.2.1 Exact algorithms: 2.2.2 Heuristic algorithms: 2.2.3 Metaheuristic algorithms: 2.3 Choice of algorithmsChapter 3 : Problem Statement 3.1 Problem Definition 3.2 Modeling 3.2.1 Business Input data 3.2.2 Operating hypothesisChapter 4 : Solving technique 4.1 Solver adaptation 4.1.1 Optaplanner general presentation 4.1.2 VRP Solver 4.2 Methodology 4.2.1 Can dynamic solving be financially attractive? 4.2.2 Are the algorithms that are good for static resolution also good for dynamic resolution?Chapter 5 : Experimental analysis 5.1 Dynamic experiments using Late Acceptanceinit without addition'> 5.1.1 Initialization: Computation of 159cinit without addition 5.1.2 Addition of customers: +1customer 5.1.3 Addition of customers: +5customers 5.1.4 Addition of customers: +10customers 5.1.5 Addition of customers: +15customers 5.1.6 Summary and Analysis 5.2 Comparison of Late Acceptance and Tabu Search 5.2.1 Results 5.2.2 AnalysisChapter 6 : Conclusion 6.1 Summary 6.2 LimitationsReferencesTables and FiguresAppendix 1 - Problem DatasetAppendix 2 - Initial resultAppendix 3 - Addition of 1 customer – Using Algorithm1 Late AcceptanceAppendix 4 - Addition of 5 customers – Using Algorithm1 Late AcceptanceAppendix 5 - Addition of 10 customers – Using Algorithm1 Late AcceptanceAppendix 6 - Addition of 15 customers – Using Algorithm1 Late AcceptanceAppendix 7 - Addition of 1 customer – Using Algorithm2 Tabu SearchAppendix 8 - Addition of 5 customers – Using Algorithm2 Tabu SearchAppendix 9 - Addition of 10 customers – Using Algorithm2 Tabu SearchAppendix 10 - Addition of 15 customers – Using Algorithm2 Tabu SearchAcknowledgement
类型: 硕士论文
作者: Vial Marie-Louise
导师: Chen Lu
关键词: 车辆路径规划问题,动态需求,启发式,异构车队,多种容量
来源: 上海交通大学
年度: 2019
分类: 基础科学,经济与管理科学
专业: 数学,宏观经济管理与可持续发展,工业经济
单位: 上海交通大学
分类号: F426.82;F252;O221
DOI: 10.27307/d.cnki.gsjtu.2019.002371
总页数: 82
文件大小: 3427K
下载量: 32
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标签:车辆路径规划问题论文; 动态需求论文; 启发式论文; 异构车队论文; 多种容量论文;