A metaheuristic method for the multireturn-to-depot petrol truck routing problem with time windows

A metaheuristic method for the multireturn-to-depot petrol truck routing problem with time windows


The petrol truck routing problem is an important part of the petrol supply chain.This study focuses on determining routes for distributing petrol products from a depot to petrol stations with the objective of minimizing the total travel cost and the fixed cost required to use the trucks.We propose a mathematical model that considers petrol trucks returning to a depot multiple times and develop a heuristic algorithm based on a local branch-and-bound search with a tabu list and the Metropolis acceptance criterion.In addition,an approach that accelerates the solution process by adding several valid inequalities is presented.In this study,the trucks are homogeneous and have two compartments,and each truck can execute at most three tasks daily.The sales company arranges the transfer amount and the time windows for each station.The performance of the proposed algorithm is evaluated by comparing its results with the optimal results.In addition,a real-world case of routing petrol trucks in Beijing is studied to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.


  • 1 Introduction
  • 2 Literature review
  • 3 Problem description
  • 4 Mathematical model
  •   4.1 Valid inequalities
  • 5 Proposed heuristic procedure
  •   5.1 Search strategy
  •   5.2 Tabu list
  •   5.3 Metropolis acceptance criterion
  • 6 Computational results
  •   6.1 Solomon benchmark
  •     6.1.1 Test data set and experiment settings
  •     6.1.2 Computational results of the proposed model for a typical problem instance
  •   6.2 A real case in China
  •     6.2.1 Background
  •     6.2.2 Computational results
  • 7 Conclusions
  • 文章来源

    类型: 期刊论文

    作者: Bohong Wang,Yongtu Liang,Meng Yuan,Haoran Zhang,Qi Liao

    来源: Petroleum Science 2019年03期

    年度: 2019

    分类: 工程科技Ⅰ辑

    专业: 石油天然气工业

    单位: National Engineering Laboratory for Pipeline Safety/Beijing Key Laboratory of Urban Oil and Gas Distribution Technology, China University of Petroleum

    基金: the Program of “Study on Optimization and Supply-side Reliability of Oil Product Supply Chain Logistics System” funded under the National Natural Science Foundation of China,Grant Number 51874325

    分类号: TE976

    页码: 701-712

    总页数: 12

    文件大小: 971K

    下载量: 10


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    A metaheuristic method for the multireturn-to-depot petrol truck routing problem with time windows
