Analysis of unbalanced clustered voltage and control strategy of clustered voltage balancing for cascaded H-bridge STATCOM

Analysis of unbalanced clustered voltage and control strategy of clustered voltage balancing for cascaded H-bridge STATCOM


To explore the clustered voltage balancing mechanism of the cascaded H-bridge static synchronous compensator(STATCOM),this paper analyzes the causes of unbalanced clustered voltage.The negative-sequence current caused by the compensation of unbalanced reactive power or detection and control errors and the zero-sequence voltage caused by voltage drift of the STATCOM neutral point contribute to unbalanced clustered voltage.On this basis,this paper proposes a control strategy to inject negative-sequence current and zero-sequence voltage simultaneously.The injection of negative-sequence current may cause current asymmetry in the grid,and the zerosequence injection has a relatively limited balancing ability in the clustered voltages.The proposed control strategy can not only generate a faster balancing response than the traditional zero-sequence voltage injection method,but also lower the extent of current asymmetry compared with the traditional negative-sequence current injection method.Then,the negative-sequence current and zero-sequence voltage injection are further transformed into the dq frame to establish a unified frame.The effectiveness of the proposed control strategy is verified by the simulation and experimental results.



类型: 期刊论文

作者: Yu JIN,Jianze WANG,Yiqi LIU,Xinagyu SAI,Yanchao JI

来源: Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy 2019年06期

年度: 2019

分类: 工程科技Ⅱ辑,信息科技

专业: 电力工业,自动化技术

单位: School of Electrical Engineering and Automation,Harbin Institute of Technology,College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering,Northeast Forestry University

分类号: TM761.12

页码: 1697-1708

总页数: 12

文件大小: 5250K

下载量: 2


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Analysis of unbalanced clustered voltage and control strategy of clustered voltage balancing for cascaded H-bridge STATCOM
