脱落酸(Abscisic acid,ABA)是调控植物生长发育及植物对外界环境响应的重要胁迫激素。在拟南芥中越来越多基因已被报道参与调控ABA信号转导和胁迫应答,但还有很多ABA响应基因的功能尚未得到研究。在本文中,我们发现拟南芥At4g24130(SVB1)和At1g56580(SVB2)是ABA响应基因。定量RT-PCR结果显示ABA处理后SVB1和SVB2的表达量显著增加。原生质体转染实验表明SVB1和SVB2定位在除了核以外的整个细胞中。RT-PCR结果表明SVB1和SVB2两个基因在成熟的花中表达量都很高,但是SVB2也在莲座叶、荚果和茎等其他组织器官中表达。种子萌发实验表明SVB2过表达植株以及svb1单突变体和svb1 svb2双突变体对ABA敏感性增加。但svb2单突变体种子较野生型萌发早,且对ABA敏感性降低。绿苗率实验结果表明35S:SVB2转基因植株和svb1 svb2双突变体对ABA敏感性增加。盐处理实验表明SVBs在调控植物的盐胁迫响应中具有冗余功能。表型观察发现SVB2过表达植株和野生型相比种子更大,根长也更长。显微观察发现svb2单突变体表皮毛数量减少,并且只有1和2个分支的表皮毛的数量明显增多。综上所述,我们的研究结果表明SVBs参与调控拟南芥形态发育及其对ABA的响应。
Abstract摘要Introduction 1.Abscisic Acid (ABA) 1.1 ABA signaling in plants 1.2 ABA binding proteins and receptors 1.3 Role of ABA in stress signaling 2.ABA and abiotic stress tolerance 2.1 ABA and salt tolarance 2.2 ABA and drought tolarance 2.3 Effect of ABA on seed germination and root elongation 3.SVB (Smaller with Variable Branches) 4.Purpose and significance of this studyMaterials and methods 1.Experimental materials 1.1 Plant materials 1.2 Bacterium strains and plasmids 1.3 Reagents and kits used 1.4 List of Conventional reagents used 1.5 Restriction enzymes 1.6 Preparation of growth medium 1.7 Preparation of Antibiotics and buffers 2.Primers design and synthesis 3.Equipments 4.Experimental Methods 4.1 Seed sowing and vernalization 4.2 Bioinformatics analysis 4.3 Extraction of plant RNA and cDNA synthesis 4.4 Cloning and vector contruction 4.5 DNA extraction from Gel 4.6 Enzyme digestion 4.7 Transformation of Agrobacterium tumefaceium competent cells 4.8 Plant transformation and transgenic plant selection 4.9 Protoplast transfection assay 5.Hormone treatment 5.1 Germination assay 5.2 Root Elongation assay 6.Salinity stress 7.Drought stress 8.Morphological analysis 8.1 Trichomes 8.2 Seed sizeResults 1.SVB1 and SVB2 are ABA responsive genes 1.1 Cloning of SVBs 2.Subcellular localization of SVB1 and SVB2 2.1 Construction of pUC19-GFP-SVB1 and pUC19-GFP-SVB2 2.2 SVB1 and SVB2 are located in the entire cell except nucleus 3.Expression pattern of SVB1 and SVB2 4.SVB1 and SVB2 transgenic plants 4.1 SVB1 and SVB2 overexpression plants 4.2 SVB1 and SVB2 mutant plants 5.Hormone Treatment 5.1 Effect of ABA on seed germination rate of SVBs 5.2 Effect of ABA on Cotyledon greening rate of SVBs 5.3 Effect of drought stress on SVBs 5.4 Effect of salt stress on SVBs 6.Effect of ABA on SVBs root elongation 7.Effect of NaCl on SVBs root elongation 8.Effect of svb2 on trichome morphogenesis 8.1 Effect of svb2 on trichome numbers 8.2 Effect of svb2 on trichome branch number 9.Effect of35S:SVB2 on seeds sizeDiscussionConclusionReferencesList of AbbreviationsAcknowledgementsPublications
类型: 硕士论文
作者: Sajjad Ahmed
导师: Wang Shucai
关键词: 脱落酸,拟南芥,绿苗率,表皮毛
来源: 东北师范大学
年度: 2019
分类: 基础科学
专业: 生物学
单位: 东北师范大学
分类号: Q945
总页数: 65
文件大小: 7465K
下载量: 21
标签:脱落酸论文; 拟南芥论文; 绿苗率论文; 表皮毛论文;
SVB1 and SVB2 Regulate ABA Response and Plant Morphology in Arabidopsis Thaliana