Quantifying the thermal damping effect in underground vertical shafts using the nonlinear autoregressive with external input(NARX) algorithm

Quantifying the thermal damping effect in underground vertical shafts using the nonlinear autoregressive with external input(NARX) algorithm


As air descends the intake shaft, its infrastructure, lining and the strata will emit heat during the night when the intake air is cool and, on the contrary, will absorb heat during the day when the temperature of the air becomes greater than that of the strata. This cyclic phenomenon, also known as the "thermal damping effect" will continue throughout the year reducing the effect of surface air temperature variation. The objective of this paper is to quantify the thermal damping effect in vertical underground airways. A nonlinear autoregressive time series with external input(NARX) algorithm was used as a novel method to predict the dry-bulb temperature(Td) at the bottom of intake shafts as a function of surface air temperature. Analyses demonstrated that the artificial neural network(ANN) model could accurately predict the temperature at the bottom of a shaft. Furthermore, an attempt was made to quantify typical "damping coefficient" for both production and ventilation shafts through simple linear regression models. Comparisons between the collected climatic data and the regression-based predictions show that a simple linear regression model provides an acceptable accuracy when predicting the Tdat the bottom of intake shafts.



类型: 期刊论文

作者: Pedram Roghanchi,Karoly C.Kocsis

来源: International Journal of Mining Science and Technology 2019年02期

年度: 2019

分类: 工程科技Ⅰ辑

专业: 矿业工程,安全科学与灾害防治

单位: Mineral Engineering Derpartment, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology,Mining Engineering Derpartment, University of Nevada

基金: funded by National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) (No. 2014-N-15795,2014)

分类号: TD72

页码: 255-262

总页数: 8

文件大小: 403K

下载量: 18


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Quantifying the thermal damping effect in underground vertical shafts using the nonlinear autoregressive with external input(NARX) algorithm
