Journal of Modern Transportation Volume Contents 2019

Journal of Modern Transportation Volume Contents 2019





  • [1].Existence of spontaneous symmetry breaking in two-lane totally asymmetric simple exclusion processes with an intersection[J]. Chinese Physics B 2020(05)
  • [2].In situ atomistic observation of the deformation mechanism of Au nanowires with twin–twin intersection[J]. Journal of Materials Science & Technology 2020(18)
  • [3].JIULONG,LAND OF FAIRY TALES[J]. China's Tibet 2017(04)
  • [4].重庆两日(英文)[J]. The World of Chinese 2012(02)
  • [5].Microscopic dynamic simulation model for pedestrian at signalized intersection[J]. Journal of Central South University 2012(11)
  • [6].Model for evaluation on fuel economy of urban intersection[J]. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology 2011(03)
  • [7].Effect of road structure on the capacity of a signalized road intersection[J]. Chinese Physics B 2009(10)
  • [8].L_p-mixed intersection bodies[J]. Science in China(Series A:Mathematics) 2008(12)
  • [9].The Exact Representation for the Intersection of Ruled Surface with a Plane[J]. International Journal of Systems and Control 2008(03)
  • [10].Effects of flashing green on driver's stop/go decision at signalized intersection[J]. Journal of Central South University 2015(02)
  • [11].Busemann–Petty Problems for General L_p-Intersection Bodies[J]. Acta Mathematica Sinica 2015(05)
  • [12].Trace-Norm Regularized Multi-Task Learning for Sea State Bias Estimation[J]. Journal of Ocean University of China 2020(06)
  • [13].The t-wise intersection of relative two-weight codes[J]. Science China(Mathematics) 2014(08)
  • [14].Computer Processing of the Intersection of Two Cones with Their Axes Intersecting and a Method to Get the Special Points[J]. Journal of Donghua University(English Edition) 2008(02)
  • [15].Closed-form algorithms for computing the intersection of two subspaces[J]. Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics 2019(02)
  • [16].Generalized Intersection Bodies with Parameter[J]. Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences 2018(04)
  • [17].Deformation mechanism and excavation process of large span intersection within deep soft rock roadway[J]. Mining Science and Technology 2010(01)
  • [18].L_p混合截面体的一些几何不等式(英文)[J]. 数学季刊(英文版) 2018(02)
  • [19].Parameter estimation method based on parameter function surface[J]. Science China(Technological Sciences) 2013(06)
  • [20].Drivers' smart advisory system improves driving performance at STOP sign intersections[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering(English Edition) 2017(03)
  • [21].Intersection signal control multi-objective optimization based on genetic algorithm[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering(English Edition) 2014(02)
  • [22].Step-coordination Algorithm of Traffic Control Based on Multi-agent System[J]. International Journal of Automation & Computing 2009(03)
  • [23].Torus to Torus Intersection[J]. Computer Aided Drafting,Design and Manufacturing 2015(02)
  • [24].Intersection-policy private mutual authentication from authorized private set intersection[J]. Science China(Information Sciences) 2020(02)
  • [25].Effects of boundary slippage on thin-film lubricationbetween two nonparallel plane plates[J]. Acta Mechanica Sinica 2012(03)
  • [26].Comparison of capacities at road intersections[J]. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology 2010(04)
  • [27].A Type of Busemann-Petty Problems for General Lp-Intersection Bodies[J]. Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences 2015(06)
  • [28].Hilbert Problem 15 and Ritt-Wu Method(Ⅱ)[J]. Journal of Systems Science & Complexity 2020(06)
  • [29].关于L_p-相交体的Busemann-Petty型问题(英文)[J]. 数学季刊 2012(02)
Journal of Modern Transportation Volume Contents 2019
