李文凤,张荣跃,黄应昆,王晓燕,单红丽[1](2019)在《不同品种不同植期甘蔗白叶病自然发病率调查与巢式PCR检测分析》一文中研究指出甘蔗白叶病(Sugarcane white leaf,SCWL)是一种世界性的甘蔗毁灭性病害,对甘蔗生产危害极大。为明确不同甘蔗品种对甘蔗白叶病植原体(Sugarcane white leaf phytoplasma)的抗性,探明甘蔗品种抗性对病害发生流行的影响。本研究对SCWL严重发病蔗区云南耿马主栽及主推甘蔗品种粤糖86-368、粤糖93-159、ROC22、盈育91-59、ROC25、粤糖60号、柳城05-136不同植期甘蔗白叶病田间自然发病率进行调查,并采集了780份样品进行SCWL植原体巢式PCR检测。田间调查结果表明,不同品种田间自然发病率不同,其中粤糖86-368平均发病率75%(严重田块高达90.33%)、粤糖60号平均发病率73.5%、ROC22平均发病率59.66%、ROC25平均发病率55%、粤糖93-159平均发病率37%,盈育91-59平均发病率29.89%,柳城05-136平均发病率13.67%;所有品种宿根蔗均比新植蔗发病严重,宿根年限越长发病越重。SCWL植原体阳性检出率为70%~100%,其中柳城05-136平均阳性检出率为96.67%、粤糖86-368平均阳性检出率为95.56%、粤糖60号平均阳性检出率为95%、粤糖93-159平均阳性检出率为92.50%、ROC25平均阳性检出率为91.67%、ROC22平均阳性检出率为91.34%,盈育91-59平均阳性检出率为90.95%;从植期上看,1年新植平均阳性检出率为90%,2年宿根平均阳性检出率为91.43%,3年宿根平均阳性检出率为96.67%。研究结果明确了7个主栽及主推品种对甘蔗白叶病植原体的自然抗性,为生产用种选择和有效防控甘蔗白叶病提供了依据。(本文来源于《中国植物保护学会2019年学术年会论文集》期刊2019-10-23)
刘静,赵冬,王薇,刘军,孙佳艺[6](2007)在《北京自然人群代谢综合征发病率及影响因素的研究》一文中研究指出目的:探讨北京自然人群代谢综合征(metabolic syndrome,MetS)的发病规律及影响因素。方法:1999年在北京城乡自然人群中采用分层随机抽样方法建立了25~64岁男女两性共1304人的心血管病研究队列。2004年对该人群进行了随访和第2次危险因素调查。2次调查资料完整者893人。本研究对基线时未患MetS的617人5年后MetS的发病情况进行了分析。结果:1.本队列人群1999-2004年5年间MetS的累积年龄标化发病率为12.7%。2.采用多因素Logistic模型调整了年龄、性别等因素的影响后,基线有冠心病家族史、缺乏体育锻炼、胰岛素抵抗和具有MetS的任一组分均可增加MetS的发病危险,其中腹型肥胖对MetS的预测作用最强(OR=5.34,P<0.001)。3.调整其他因素的影响后,基线具有1个和2个MetS组分者5年后发生MetS的危险分别为没有任何组分者的4.39倍和12.48倍。结论:早期预防,特别是肥胖的预防,在MetS及相关的心血管病和糖尿病防治中起着至关重要的作用。(本文来源于《心肺血管病杂志》期刊2007年02期)
Missmer,S.A.,Spiegelman,D.,Hankinson,S.E.,朱亮[7](2006)在《自然头发颜色和子宫内膜异位症的发病率》一文中研究指出Objective: To investigate a previously hypothesized relation between natural hair color and endometriosis.Design: Prospective cohort study.Setting: Nurses'Health Study II with 10 years of follow- up.Participant(s): A total of 90, 065 women, 25- 42 years old, who had never been diagnosed with endometriosis, infertility, or cancer at baseline in 1989.Main Outcome Measure(s): Incidence of laparoscopically confirmed endometriosis according to natural hair color.Result(s): During 379, 422 person- years of follow- up, 1, 130 cases of laparoscopically confirmed endometriosiswere reported among women with no past infertility.After adjusting for age, calendar time, parity, race, and body mass index at age 18, we observed no association overall.However, compared with women with any other hair color, we observed an increased rate of endometriosis among women with naturally red hair who had never been infertile (incidence rate = 1.3, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.0- 1.7)- , but a decreased rate among women with naturally red hair among women who were infertile (incidence rate = 0.4, 95% CI = 0.2- 1.2); P value, test for heterogeneity = .03.Conclusion(s): Overall, we did not observe a significant relation between red hair color and the rate of endometriosis, however this prospective cohort study suggests that the relation may differ by infertility status.(本文来源于《世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册)》期刊2006年09期)
Downes,S.M,Hambleton,I.R,A.C.,Bird,王永强[9](2006)在《增生性镰状红细胞视网膜病的发病率与自然发病史:队列研究的观察结果》一文中研究指出Objective: To describe the incidence, prevalence, and natural history of proliferative sickle cell retinopathy (PSR). Design: Prospective longitudinal study over 20 years. Participants: Newborn screening of 100000 consecutive deliveries from 1973 to 1981 identified 315 children with homozygous sickle cell (SS) disease and 201 with SS-hemoglobin C (SC) disease. By the age of 5 years, 307 SS patients and 166 SC patients were alive and living in Jamaica and were recruited for this ophthalmic study. Methods: Description of retinal vascular changes on annual angiography and angioscopy. Main Outcome Measures: Incidence and prevalence of PSR and its behavior on follow-up. Progression of PSR was investigated using the number of eyes affected (none, one, both) and the interval until PSR onset. Results: At last review in January 2000, PSR had developed in 59 patients (14 SS, 45 SC), unilaterally in 36 patients and bilaterally in 23. Incidence increased with age in both genotypes, with crude annual incidence rates of 0.5 cases (95%confidence interval CI, 0.3-0.8) per 100 SS subjects and 2.5 cases (95%CI, 1.9-3.3) per 100 SC subjects. Prevalence was greater in SC disease, and by the ages of 24 to 26 years, PSR had occurred in 43%subjects with SC disease and in 14%subjects with SS disease. Patients with unilateral PSR had a 16%(11%SS, 1 7%SC) probability of regressing to no PSR and a 14%(16%SS, 13%SC) probability of progressing to bilateral PSR. Those with bilateral PSR had an 8%(8%SS, 8%SC) probability of regressing to unilateral PSR and a 1%(0 SS, 2%SC) probability of regressing to a PSR-free state. Irretrievable visual loss occurred in only 1 of 82 PSR-affected eyes, and 1 required detachment surgery and recovered normal visual acuity. Conclusions: Longitudinal observations over 20 years in a cohort of patients followed from birth confirms a greater incidence and severity of PSR in SC disease, and shows that spontaneous regression occurred in 32%of PSR-affected eyes. Permanent visual loss was uncommon in subjects observed up to the age of 26 years.(本文来源于《世界核心医学期刊文摘.眼科学分册》期刊2006年03期)
Malone,F.D.,Ball,R.H.,Nyberg,D.A.,杨晓梅[10](2005)在《妊娠早期隔膜水囊状淋巴管瘤的发病率、自然病程及儿科结局》一文中研究指出Objective: To estimate prevalence, natural history, and outcome of septated cystic hygroma in the first trimester in the general obstetric population, and to differentiate this finding from simple increased nuchal translucency. Methods: Patients at 10.3-13.6 weeks of gestation underwent nuchal translucency sonography as part of a multicenter clinical trial. Septated cystic hygroma cases were offered chorionic villi sampling for karyotype, and targeted fetal anatomical and cardiac evaluations. Survivors were followed up for fetal and long-term pediatric outcome (median 25 months, range 12-50 months). Cases of septated cystic hygroma were also compared with cases of simple increased nuchal translucency. Results: There were 134 cases of cystic hygroma (2 lost to follow-up) among 38,167 screened patients (1 in 285). Chromosomal abnormalities were diagnosed in 67 (51% ), including 25 trisomy-21, 19 Turner syndrome, 13 trisomy-18, and 10 others. Major structural fetal malformations (primarily cardiac and skeletal) were diagnosed in 22 of the remaining 65 cases (34% ). There were 5 cases (8% ) of fetal death and 15 cases of elective pregnancy termination without evidence of abnormality. One of 23 (4% ) normal survivors was diagnosed with cerebral palsy and developmental delay. Overall, survival with normal pediatric outcome was confirmed in 17% of cases (22 of 132). Compared with simple increased nuchal translucency, cystic hygroma has 5-fold, 12-fold, and 6-fold increased risk of aneuploidy, cardiac malformation, and perinatal death, respectively. Conclusion: First-trimester cystic hygroma was a frequent finding in a general obstetric screening program. It has the strongest prenatal association with aneuploidy described to date, with significantly worse outcome compared with simple increased nuchal translucency. Most pregnancies with normal evaluation at the completion of the second trimester resulted in a healthy infant with a normal pediatric outcome.(本文来源于《世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册)》期刊2005年11期)