With the Old to Be New: Analysis on Design of Square Pagoda Gardenin Songjiang

With the Old to Be New: Analysis on Design of Square Pagoda Gardenin Songjiang


The Square Pagoda Garden in Songjiang designed by Mr. Feng Jizhong is a model work of Chinese garden and modern architecture. Its basic pattern embodies the core idea of "with the old to be new". This study mainly interpreted the Square Pagoda Garden from two dimensions of garden space and architectural structure, analyzed the unique creative characteristics and design ideas of the Square Pagoda Garden in combination with the characteristics of traditional Chinese garden architecture, and explored the "old" and "new" in the design of the Square Pagoda Garden.


  • 1 The space of garden
  •   1.1 The whole garden
  •   1.2 The part of garden
  •   1.3 The details of garden
  •     1.3.1 Wall.
  •     1.3.2 Road.
  •     1.3.3 Cutting path.
  • 2 The structure of architecture.
  •   2.1 North gate
  •   2.2 Helou shelter
  • 3 The old and the new of garden
  • 4 Conclusions
  • 文章来源

    类型: 期刊论文

    作者: WANG Feng,ZHANG Haifeng,JI Xiang

    来源: Journal of Landscape Research 2019年06期

    年度: 2019

    分类: 工程科技Ⅱ辑,农业科技

    专业: 建筑科学与工程

    单位: School of Architecture,Southeast University,School of Architecture & Design,China University of Mining and Technology,China University of Mining and Technology,Jiangsu Building Energy Saving and Building Technology Collaborative Innovation Center

    分类号: TU986

    DOI: 10.16785/j.issn1943-989x.2019.6.003

    页码: 8-12

    总页数: 5

    文件大小: 2857K

    下载量: 30


    With the Old to Be New: Analysis on Design of Square Pagoda Gardenin Songjiang
