摘要abstractChapter1 Introduction 1.1 Basement membranes 1.1.1 Extracellular Matrix and basement membranes 1.1.2 Basement membrane composition 1.1.3 Basement membrane assembly 1.1.4 Basement membrane-related disorders 1.2 Basement membranes in Drosophila 1.2.1 Collagen Ⅳ 1.2.2 Perlecan 1.2.3 Laminin 1.2.4 Nidogen 1.2.5 Integrin and Syndecan 1.3 Development and function of Drosophila fat body 1.3.1 Development of the fat body in Drosophila 1.3.2 Autophagy and metabolic signaling in larval fat body 1.4 Goals and significance 1.4.1 Problem to be solved and research contents 1.4.2 Research significanceChapter2 Materials and Methods 2.1 Materials 2.1.1 Drosophila strains 2.1.2 Kits and reagents 2.1.3 Experimental equipment 2.2 Methods 2.2.1 Fly culture 2.2.2 GAL4/UAS and FLP/FRT system 2.2.3 shRNA transgenic flies 2.2.4 Nidogen cas9 transgenic flies 2.2.5 Nidogen domains transgenic flies 2.2.6 Transmission electron microscopy 2.2.7 Immunostaining 2.2.8 Imaging 2.2.9 Real-time qPCR 2.2.10 Western blotting 2.2.11 Quantification and statistical analysisChapter3 Organization of fat body ECM:BM and CIVICs 3.1 BM components localized to a planar BM and Collagen Ⅳ Intercellular Concentrations 3.2 Fat body adipocytes and blood cells are the source of most Collagen IV in larval BMs 3.3 Fat body adipocytes and blood cells are the main source of most BM components in larval BMsChapter4 CIVICs mediate inter-adipocyte adhesion 4.1 Inter-adipocyte Collagen Ⅳ mediate adhesion 4.2 Integrin is required for formation of CIVICs 4.3 Syndecan is required for CIVICs formationChapter5 CIVICs mediate pro-growth/anti-autophagy signaling 5.1 Loss of CIVICs triggers autophagy in adipose tissue 5.2 Loss of CIVICs triggers src/PI3K/P-Akt signaling pathwayChapter6 BM assembly in fat body 6.1 Laminin contributes to Nidogen incorporation and BM integrity 6.2 Nidogen is required for maintaining integrity of BM 6.3 Collagen Ⅳ is required for deposition of Other components 6.4 Perlecan is dispensable for assembly of Laminin,Nidogen and Collagen Ⅳ 6.5 Model for BM assemblyChapter7 Functional analysis of Nidogen 7.1 CRISPR/cas9-generated Nidogen mutants are viable 7.2 Nidogen mutants show rupture of adipose tissue BMs 7.3 Other phenotypes of Nidogen mutants 7.4 Functional analysis of Nidogen domains 7.5 Nidogen G3 domain binds with Laminin,whereas G1 and G2 domains are mutually redundant binding with Collagen Ⅳ 7.6 Nidogen has genetic interaction with other BM componentsChapter8 Discussion and prospect 8.1 A non-BM role of Collagen Ⅳ:CIVICs 8.1.1 CIVICs mediate interadipocyte adhesion 8.1.2 CIVICs mediate pro-growth/anti-autophagy signaling 8.1.3 Are CIVICs a novel form of extracellular matrix? 8.2 Nidogen and basement membrane assembly in Drosophila 8.2.1 The hierarchy of BM assembly 8.2.2 Nidogen links the Collagen Ⅳ and Laminin networks 8.2.3 Nidogen shows tissue-specific requirementsReferencesAcknowledgements个人简历、在学期间发表的学术论文与研究成果
类型: 博士论文
作者: 戴建莉
导师: José C.Pastor-Pareja
关键词: 基膜,脂肪体,组织形态,胶原蛋白,巢蛋白
来源: 清华大学
年度: 2019
分类: 基础科学
专业: 生物学
单位: 清华大学
基金: the National Science Foundation of China,a 1000 Talents award
分类号: Q952
DOI: 10.27266/d.cnki.gqhau.2019.000002
总页数: 116
文件大小: 6571K
下载量: 206
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标签:基膜论文; 脂肪体论文; 组织形态论文; 胶原蛋白论文; 巢蛋白论文;