Robust UOWC systems against bubble-induced impairments via transmit/receive diversities [Invited]

Robust UOWC systems against bubble-induced impairments via transmit/receive diversities [Invited]


We systematically investigate the bubble-induced performance degradation for underwater optical wireless communication(UOWC) with different bubble sizes and positions. By using different transmit and receive diversities, we investigate the effectiveness of spatial diversity on the mitigation of the bubble-induced impairment to the UOWC link. With the help of a 2 × 2 multiple input multiple output using repetition coding and maximum ratio combining, a robust 780 Mbit/s UOWC transmission is achieved. The corresponding outage probability can be significantly reduced from 34.6% for the system without diversity to less than 1%.



类型: 期刊论文

作者: 陈亮光,邵英婕,邓锐

来源: Chinese Optics Letters 2019年10期

年度: 2019

分类: 基础科学,信息科技

专业: 自然地理学和测绘学,电信技术

单位: Department of Information Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

基金: supported in part by the HKSAR UGC,RGC grants(Nos.GRF 14215416 and GRF 14201217)

分类号: P229;TN929.1

页码: 32-37

总页数: 6

文件大小: 2726K

下载量: 9


Robust UOWC systems against bubble-induced impairments via transmit/receive diversities [Invited]
