
Multi-source Remote Sensing Image Registration Based on Contourlet Transform and Multiple Feature Fusion


Image registration is an indispensable component in multi-source remote sensing image processing. In this paper, we put forward a remote sensing image registration method by including an improved multi-scale and multi-direction Harris algorithm and a novel compound feature. Multi-scale circle Gaussian combined invariant moments and multi-direction gray level co-occurrence matrix are extracted as features for image matching. The proposed algorithm is evaluated on numerous multi-source remote sensor images with noise and illumination changes. Extensive experimental studies prove that our proposed method is capable of receiving stable and even distribution of key points as well as obtaining robust and accurate correspondence matches. It is a promising scheme in multi-source remote sensing image registration.



类型: 期刊论文

作者: Huan Liu,Gen-Fu Xiao,Yun-Lan Tan,Chun-Juan Ouyang

来源: International Journal of Automation and Computing 2019年05期

年度: 2019

分类: 信息科技,工程科技Ⅱ辑

专业: 工业通用技术及设备,自动化技术

单位: College of Electronic and Information Engineering, Jinggangshan University,Key Laboratory of Watershed Ecology and Geographical Environment Monitoring,National Administration of Surveying, Mapping and Geoinformation (NASG),College of Mechanical and Electronic, Jinggangshan University

基金: supported by National Nature Science Foundation of China (Nos. 61462046 and 61762052),Natural Science Foundation of Jiangxi Province (Nos. 20161BAB202049 and 20161BAB204172),the Bidding Project of the Key Laboratory of Watershed Ecology and Geographical Environment Monitoring,NASG (Nos. WE2016003,WE2016013 and WE2016015),the Science and Technology Research Projects of Jiangxi Province Education Department (Nos. GJJ160741,GJJ170632 and GJJ170633),the Art Planning Project of Jiangxi Province (Nos. YG2016250 and YG2017381)

分类号: TP751

页码: 575-588

总页数: 14

文件大小: 35155K

下载量: 54

