
Insights into Pyrolysis of Nano-Polystyrene Particles: Thermochemical Behaviors and Kinetics Analysis


The thermal degradation kinetics of nano-polystyrene particles with diameters of 60, 90, 160, and 225 nm were investigated in nitrogen atmosphere using thermogravimetric analysis(TGA). Various kinetic models were employed to determine the thermal degradation mechanism and kinetics. Nano-polystyrene particles have relatively lower thermal stability when compared to micro-polystyrene. Both differential thermo–gravimetric(DTG) data and apparent activation energies indicate that the thermal degradation of nano-polystyrene particles at 60 nm is a two-step reaction process where the second step plays a dominant role, while nano-polystyrene particles with diameter greater than 60 nm exhibit single-step degradation. Similar to most micro/macro polystyrene particles, DTG peaks of nano-polystyrene particles shift towards higher temperatures with increasing heating rates. Thermal degradation of nano-polystyrene particles under nitrogen atmosphere follows the first-order reaction model. However, the apparent activation energies increase(162-181 kJ·mol–1) with the increase of particle sizes(60-225 nm). This study could provide some insights into pyrolysis of nano-polystyrene particles and a safer process of manufacturing, storage and handling of nano-polystyrene particles.


  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Theoretical Background
  •   2.1 FWO method
  •   2.2 KAS method
  •   2.3 ABSW method
  • 3. Experimental
  • 4. Results and Discussion
  •   4.1 Thermal degradation behaviours
  •   4.2 Calculation of the apparent activation energy
  •   4.3 Determination of mechanisms
  • 5. Conclusions
  • 文章来源

    类型: 期刊论文

    作者: DING Li,ZHAO Jianping,PAN Yong,GUAN Jin,JIANG Juncheng,WANG Qingsheng

    来源: Journal of Thermal Science 2019年04期

    年度: 2019

    分类: 工程科技Ⅱ辑,工程科技Ⅰ辑

    专业: 有机化工,安全科学与灾害防治

    单位: College of Mechanical and Power Engineering, Nanjing Tech University,College of Safety Science and Engineering, Nanjing Tech University,Department of Fire Protection and Safety, Oklahoma State University

    基金: supported by the National Program on Key Basic Research Project of China(2016YFC0801502,2017YFC0804801),National Natural Science Fund of China(No.21436006,21576136),Jiangsu Project Plan for Outstanding Talents in Six Research Fields(No:2015–XCL–019)

    分类号: TQ325.2;X932

    页码: 763-771

    总页数: 9

    文件大小: 2267K

    下载量: 5

