The xanthate route to all-carbon quaternary centers
This review discusses the numerous routes to all-carbon quaternary centers based on the unique radical chemistry of xanthates. It summarizes the various approaches to the synthesis of tertiary xanthates then describes the intra-and intermolecular radical additions and combinations thereof that have so far been used to construct quaternary centers.
1 Introduction2 Mechanistic considerations3 Synthesis of tertiary xanthates 3.1 Formation by direct substitution 3.2 Formation by alkylation or xanthylation of nucleophiles 3.3 Formation by conjugate addition 3.4 Formation by radical addition 3.5 Formation by decarbonylation and by decarboxylation 3.6 Formation from diazo derivatives 3.7 Remote functionalization 3.8 Miscellaneous methods4 Intramolecular formation of quaternary centers 4.1 Spirocyclic structures by ipso additions to aromatics 4.2 Intramolecular addition of tertiary radicals 4.3 Intramolecular addition of tertiary radicals generated by fragmentation5 Intermolecular formation of quaternary centers 5.1 Direct addition of tertiary xanthates to alkenes 5.2 Tertiary radicals from S-acyl xanthates 5.3 Allylation and vinylation of tertiary radicals 5.4 Formation of rings 5.5 Direct substitution of heteroarenes6 Conclusions
类型: 期刊论文
作者: Béatrice Quiclet-Sire,Samir Z.Zard
来源: Science China(Chemistry) 2019年11期
年度: 2019
分类: 工程科技Ⅰ辑
专业: 有机化工
单位: Laboratoire de Synthèse Organique, Ecole Polytechnique
基金: Ecole Polytechnique,CNRS,DGA,MNRT,The Fondation Alfred Kastler,the Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851,the China Research Council,Aventis(now Sanofi),Rhodia(now Solvay),Syngenta
分类号: TQ460.1
页码: 1450-1462
总页数: 13
文件大小: 5178K
下载量: 4