
Object-oriented Battlefield Environment Simulation Process Object Model Based on Task-driven


Battlefield environment simulation process is an important part of battlefield environment information support,which needs to be built around the task process. At present,the interoperability between battlefield environment simulation system and command and control system is still imperfect,and the traditional simulation data model cannot meet war fighters’ high-efficient and accurate understanding and analysis on battlefield environment’s information. Therefore,a kind of task-orientated battlefield environment simulation process model needs to be construed to effectively analyze the key information demands of the command and control system. The structured characteristics of tasks and simulation process are analyzed,and the simulation process concept model is constructed with the method of object-orientated. The data model and formal syntax of Geo BML are analyzed,and the logical model of simulation process is constructed with formal language. The object data structure of simulation process is defined and the object model of simulation process which maps tasks is constructed. In the end,the battlefield environment simulation platform modules are designed and applied based on this model,verifying that the model can effectively express the real-time dynamic correlation between battlefield environment simulation data and operational tasks.


  • 1 Introduction
  • 2 Methodology
  •   2.1 Conceptual model of battlefield environment simulation process for combat tasks
  •   2.2 Logic model of battlefield environment simulation based on GeoBML
  •     2.2.1 Geo BML data model and formal grammar
  •     2.2.2 Semantic representation of logical relations based on GeoBML
  •     2.2.3 Formal description of battlefield environment simulation process based on Geo BML
  •   2.3 Physical model of battlefield environment simulation process driven by combat task
  •     2.3.1 Data structure of battlefield environment simulation process object based on process domain
  •     2.3.2 Dynamic mapping model of battlefield environment simulation process
  • 3 Application Example
  • 4 Conclusion
  • 文章来源

    类型: 期刊论文

    作者: Jie ZHU,Xiong YOU,Qing XIA,Hongjun ZHANG

    来源: Journal of Geodesy and Geoinformation Science 2019年03期

    年度: 2019

    分类: 基础科学,工程科技Ⅱ辑,信息科技

    专业: 武器工业与军事技术,计算机软件及计算机应用

    单位: College of Command and Control Engineering,The Army Engineering University of PLA,Troops,Institute of Geospatial Information, Information Engineering University

    基金: The National Natural Science Foundation of China(41271393)

    分类号: TP391.9;E91

    页码: 31-43

    总页数: 13

    文件大小: 2229K

    下载量: 6

